Jungian Compatibility  » ENFP Compatibility


In an INFP and ENFP pairing, we find a fusion of similar yet complementing elements. Both personalities share a preference for intuition (N) and feeling (F), leading to a deep mutual understanding. This shared perspective leads to a strong emotional connection and enables them to easily understand each other's values and motivations.

As an introverted (I) type, INFPs value quiet introspection and often require personal space to recharge. They are reflective, thoughtful, and tend to approach life from a deep, personal perspective.

In contrast, ENFPs, being extraverted (E), are energetic, outgoing, and thrive in engaging with the outside world. They are social butterflies who draw energy from interactions with others and enjoy exploring new ideas and possibilities out loud.

This pairing works well because the ENFP's enthusiasm can invigorate the INFP, and the INFP's introspective calm can provide a soothing counterbalance to the ENFP's energetic nature.

Both personalities are perceivers (P), which means they prefer a spontaneous and flexible approach to life. They're likely to enjoy exploring new ideas and experiences together, maintaining an open-minded approach to life's challenges.

Positives of an INFP-ENFP Relationship:

Deep Emotional Connection: Both INFPs and ENFPs are guided by their feelings and values. They can deeply understand each other's emotional language, creating a profound connection.

Creative Expression: Both types are imaginative and creative. They enjoy exploring new ideas and perspectives, which can lead to stimulating conversations and shared interests.

Support for Individuality: Both INFPs and ENFPs value individuality and independence. They will respect and support each other's need for space and personal growth.

Challenges of an INFP-ENFP Relationship:

Different Energy Levels: ENFPs, as extroverts, may have a higher energy level compared to INFPs, which may lead to misunderstandings or feelings of overwhelm.

Avoidance of Practical Matters: Both types tend to focus on ideas and feelings over practical matters. This can lead to challenges in dealing with daily responsibilities and practical issues.

Conflict Avoidance: INFPs and ENFPs are both conflict-avoidant. If not addressed, unresolved issues could accumulate and cause resentment over time.

To make a relationship between an INFP and an ENFP work, both parties will need to communicate openly, understand each other's needs and preferences, and be willing to compromise when necessary. Remember, all individuals and relationships are unique, and personality type is just one factor among many that influence a relationship.


Betty Baker M.A. Psych, M.Ed

About the Author

Betty Baker is an awarded marriage and family therapist and contributor to the internationally renowned PeaceBuilders® Program - a science-based, research-validated violence prevention curriculum and professional development program for children, grades pre-K to 12.
