Jungian Compatibility  » ENFP Compatibility


Both have the same "big picture" view of the world and politics and enjoy fantasizing about innovations. Both prefer to have general flexibility and time for daily or long-term planning. There is plenty of conversational fodder between the two and neither will be prone to pressure the other in making decisions.

The differences highlighted: ENFP's have a genuine love of people and socializing with the masses, while INTP's don't enjoy popularity and tend to loathe small talk. Simply put, ENFP's express - INTP's tend to be detached. ENFP's become restless with details; INTP's demand analysis of everything in minute detail.

As a team though, this couple works well. ENFP's help broaden their partners' social horizons and encourage them to participate more fully in the outside world. They help INTP's articulate their feelings and become more patient and sensitive toward other people. INTP's, being the (T)hinkers, help their ENFP mates slow down and fine-tune their ideas by focusing their tremendous energy. INTP's also help their partners increase their overall competence in foreseeing the logical consequences of their actions.

Positives of an INTP-ENFP Relationship:

Intellectual Stimulation: Both types are intuitive and enjoy exploring ideas and concepts. They can stimulate each other's curiosity and have in-depth discussions.

Balance of Thought and Feeling: INTPs' analytical nature can complement ENFPs' emotional expressiveness. They can learn from each other's approach and find a balance between feeling and thought.

Individuality and Freedom: Both ENFPs and INTPs value their independence. They can respect each other's need for personal space and freedom.

Challenges of an INTP-ENFP Relationship:

Handling of Emotions: ENFPs are generally more expressive and in touch with their emotions, while INTPs can struggle with emotional expressiveness. This may lead to misunderstandings or feelings of being misunderstood.

Different Energy Levels: ENFPs are usually more energetic and outgoing, while INTPs tend to be more introverted and may need more downtime. Balancing social activities and downtime can be challenging.

Planning vs. Spontaneity: While ENFPs are often spontaneous and adaptable, INTPs might appreciate more structure and predictability. This could cause some friction in decision-making processes.

To make a relationship between an INTP and an ENFP work, both parties will need to respect and understand each other's differences. They should communicate openly about their needs and preferences and be willing to make necessary compromises. Remember, all individuals and relationships are unique, and personality type is just one factor among many that influence a relationship.


Betty Baker M.A. Psych, M.Ed

About the Author

Betty Baker is an awarded marriage and family therapist and contributor to the internationally renowned PeaceBuilders® Program - a science-based, research-validated violence prevention curriculum and professional development program for children, grades pre-K to 12.
