a person sitting happily in lotus position


This is a decent match with some effort. Being of the same type, these two will do well together, choosing similar career paths and social outlets.

The main issue is that INFP’s generally have difficulty expressing themselves directly and making decisions. If the two don't make the effort to express their desires and complaints and make solid plans for the future, they'll be at loose ends - and losing out on many of life's opportunities. Being adaptable though, they can learn to change these traits.

As with all couplings of the same type, strengths and weaknesses tend to become exaggerated.

love birds and hearts floating above them

Positives of an INFP-INFP Relationship:

Shared Values: As both partners are INFPs, they are likely to share similar values and perspectives, leading to deep understanding and mutual respect.

Emotional Connection: INFPs are known for their depth of feeling and empathy. In a relationship together, they can provide emotional support and understanding to each other, creating a strong emotional bond.

Creative Expression: INFPs are often creative and imaginative. When paired together, they can inspire each other and create a unique and shared world of ideas.

stormy clouds

Challenges of an INFP-INFP Relationship:

Avoidance of Conflict: INFPs tend to avoid conflict and can be passive-aggressive when upset. In a relationship with each other, they may struggle to address problems directly, which could lead to unresolved issues.

Potential for Over-Sensitivity: Because both partners are sensitive and highly emotional, there can be a risk of hurting each other's feelings, even unintentionally. They may need to be extra mindful of each other's vulnerabilities.

Lack of Practicality: INFPs can sometimes struggle with everyday practicalities and responsibilities, preferring to focus on their dreams and ideals. When paired together, they may struggle to manage everyday tasks effectively.

Checklist graphic

In conclusion, an INFP-INFP relationship can be deep, emotionally satisfying and creative. However, it also has potential challenges around conflict resolution, sensitivity, and practicality. With understanding and mutual respect, these challenges can be navigated successfully. As always, individual variations within personality types should be considered.


photo of Betty Baker

Betty Baker M.A. Psych, M.Ed

About the Author

Betty Baker is an awarded marriage and family therapist and contributor to the internationally renowned PeaceBuilders® Program - a science-based, research-validated violence prevention curriculum and professional development program for grades pre-K to 12.


