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Enneagram Type 6: The Loyalist



Enneagram System  » Enneagram Core Types

#6  #type 6 

The Strengths, Weaknesses, Fears, Motivations and Love Style

Enneagram Type 6:

"The Loyalist"

 Key Phrases

  • Reliable and hard-working
  • Responsible and trustworthy
  • Loyal to their commitments
  • Excellent troubleshooters
  • Fearful and anxious
  • Struggle with self-doubt and suspicion 

Enneagram Type 6 is known as the "Loyalist". People with this personality type are reliable, hard-working, and responsible. They are loyal to their commitments and are excellent troubleshooters. They struggle with self-doubt and can be anxious and suspicious.


6's Strengths

Enneagram Type 6 individuals are known for their commitment and reliability. They are responsible and work hard to fulfill their commitments. They are excellent at foreseeing problems and finding solutions. However, their tendency to worry can lead to self-doubt and suspicion.

  • Loyal and Trustworthy: Type 6s are known for their loyalty and commitment to their relationships and responsibilities. They are reliable individuals who can be counted on to support and stand by their loved ones in times of need.

  • Prepared and Responsible: Type 6s have a strong sense of responsibility and a desire to be prepared for potential challenges or threats. They are diligent in their planning and take proactive measures to ensure the safety and well-being of themselves and others.

  • Thoughtful and Analytical: Type 6s are often thoughtful and analytical individuals. They tend to carefully consider different perspectives and possibilities before making decisions or taking action. Their cautious approach helps them anticipate potential risks and find practical solutions.

  • Team Players and Collaborators: Type 6s value cooperation and excel in team settings. They work well with others and are skilled at building alliances and fostering a sense of unity. Their loyalty and support make them valuable team players.

  • Perceptive and Alert: Type 6s are naturally perceptive individuals who pay attention to details and notice subtle changes in their environment. They have a keen sense of awareness, which helps them anticipate potential problems or issues.

6's Weaknesses

Despite their strengths, Enneagram Type 6s can also exhibit certain weaknesses. They may be overly suspicious and doubtful, which can lead to indecision. Their desire for security can also lead to worry or anxiety.

  • Fear and Anxiety: Type 6s tend to have a deep-seated fear and anxiety that can manifest in various ways. They may worry excessively about potential risks or threats, which can lead to indecisiveness or overthinking.

  • Overreliance on Authority or Guidance: Type 6s may have a tendency to seek external validation or rely heavily on authority figures or trusted individuals for guidance and decision-making. This can sometimes result in a lack of self-trust and difficulty asserting their own opinions or beliefs.

  • Doubt and Second-Guessing: Type 6s often experience self-doubt and may frequently second-guess their choices and actions. Their analytical nature can sometimes lead to overthinking and a fear of making mistakes or being unprepared.

  • Resistance to Change or Uncertainty: Type 6s can feel uncomfortable with change and uncertainty. They may prefer stability and familiarity, and sudden shifts or unpredictability can trigger their anxiety. They may resist or question change until they feel secure and reassured.

  • Tendency to be Reactive: Type 6s can be reactive in their responses, particularly when they feel threatened or uncertain. They may default to a defensive or skeptical stance, which can hinder open communication and collaboration.

6's Basic Fears

Enneagram Type 6 individuals grapple with a fundamental fear of insecurity and being without support or guidance.

They fear uncertainty and unpredictability, often imagining worst-case scenarios and potential dangers in various aspects of life. This fear drives them to seek safety, reassurance, and a sense of belonging. They are wary of making decisions or taking actions without the support and validation of others, fearing the potential consequences of making mistakes or being betrayed.

Their fear of being without a reliable structure or support system compels them to seek out trustworthy individuals and institutions.


6's Motivations

Enneagram Type 6s are primarily motivated by a desire for security, stability, and guidance.

They seek to cultivate a sense of trust and assurance in their lives. Their motivation stems from a need to feel protected and supported, often relying on established systems, authorities, or relationships for stability. They value loyalty and are drawn to individuals and groups that offer a sense of safety and certainty.

The motivation to avoid potential risks and navigate life with a solid foundation drives their actions and decision-making processes. They strive to be prepared for any challenges or uncertainties that may arise, seeking to establish a sense of security both internally and externally.

Healthy vs Unhealthy 6's

When healthy, Enneagram 6s are reliable, hard-working, responsible, and trustworthy. They are excellent troubleshooters who foresee problems and foster cooperation. They are cautious but not paranoid, supportive but not clingy, and obedient yet independent.

On the other hand, when unhealthy, Enneagram 6s can become overly anxious and suspicious. They may struggle with paranoia and have difficulty trusting others. They may also become dependent on reassurance, neglecting their own sense of inner guidance.



Growth Recommendations for Type 6

  • Learn to trust yourself: Try to build your confidence and rely on your own judgement. This can lead to better decision making and less reliance on others.

  • Manage anxiety effectively: Find healthy ways to deal with anxiety and stress, such as through mindfulness exercises or physical activity.

  • Accept uncertainty: Life is full of uncertainty. Embrace it instead of fearing it to lead a more fulfilling life.


Expressing Love

When a Type 6 loves someone, they often express this love through their steadfast commitment and reliability. They show up consistently for their loved ones, providing a stable and trustworthy presence in their lives. They may express their love by creating a safe and secure environment for their partners, often anticipating problems and working to provide solutions.

Type 6s often show their affection by caring for their loved ones in practical ways, helping to ensure their safety and well-being. They can be deeply committed, often sticking with their partners through thick and thin, and they appreciate the same kind of steadfastness in return. However, because of their need for security and their fear of abandonment, they can sometimes become anxious or suspicious, fearing worst-case scenarios or doubting their own or others' intentions.

Despite these challenges, at their best, Type 6s provide their relationships with a sense of safety, reliability, and commitment. They express love by being there for their partners, anticipating and dealing with problems, and providing a reassuring and constant presence. In a relationship with a Type 6, love often manifests as a deep, unwavering commitment and a mutual sense of trust and security.

For an in-depth understanding of Type 6's Compatibility see 6's Compatibility with the other Types.


Explore the Wings

Each Core Type has a Wing Type. Exploring the Wings offers a more comprehensive view and valuable insights, and offers opportunities for personal growth and development by tapping into the unique qualities and strengths of the adjacent Enneagram types.


6w5 "The Defender"


6w7 "The Buddy"


Betty Baker M.A. Psych, M.Ed

About the Author

Betty Baker is an awarded marriage and family therapist and contributor to the internationally renowned PeaceBuilders® Program - a science-based, research-validated violence prevention curriculum and professional development program for children, grades pre-K to 12.
