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OBOB Older Brother of Brother(s)

a collage of famous older brothers of brothers

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Older Brother

of Brother(s)


Unless the O-BOB has been dethroned by a Challenging Second Born, a big brother of brother(s) needs to be in charge, as it's his natural state of being since the early beginning of his life. The use of power and control is his birthright (just ask him). Status and recognition are very important; he isn't satisfied with himself unless he holds a commanding leadership position in both his career and social life.

Unlike his younger brother(s) who may be more inclined to take physical risks, the O-BOB tends to be less flexible on certain issues. He may not possess the same level of charm and romanticism often associated with the younger brother archetype. However, he compensates for this by displaying a relatively high conscience compared to his siblings. When it comes to making decisions or engaging in behavior that is deemed wrong, he experiences a heightened sense of guilt.

In terms of male friendships, an O-BOB is likely to gravitate towards Middle and Younger brothers, as well as Only males. He may find other Oldest brothers of brothers to be conceited and boring, a phenomenon attributed to the classical Jungian theory that suggests we tend to despise negative traits in others that we recognize in ourselves. 


an icon of a person in the lotus position depicting harmony

His Best (Hetero) Matches:

Y-SOB Younger Sister of Brothers (#1)

Last Born

Middle Child


Twin - With a brother or older brother


an icon of a red boxing glove depicting discord
His Worst (Hetero) Matches:

O-SOS  Older Sister of Sisters

O-SOB  Older Sister of Brothers



Famous Older Brother of Brother(s) depicted above:

Alec Baldwin, Sylvester Stallone, Brad Pitt, Chris Evans, Prince William

Peyton Manning, Charles Barkley, Sean Connery, Tyler Perry, Colin Firth

Zac Efron, Ben Affleck, James Franco, Colin Jost, Tom Hanks


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a photo of Author Betty Baker

Betty Baker M.A. Psych, M.Ed

About the Author

Betty Baker is an awarded marriage and family therapist and contributor to the internationally renowned PeaceBuilders® Program - a science-based, research-validated violence prevention curriculum and professional development program for children, grades pre-K to 12.

