Jungian Compatibility  » ENFJ Compatibility


Being the same type, in this case, has some big pluses and a few minuses.

Both are "people persons", they strive for harmony and want to help others reach their full potentials. They both share a need for organization and tend to keep their homes neat and attractive. They both agree that work and relationships must complement their deeply held personal values and beliefs.

ENFJ's obviously want the same things in life and will both enjoy the others' friends (both being popular, there will be many of them).

The rub lies in the fact that both want to be in charge.

Yin and Yang concepts do not apply with this couple. Both are idealists and strive for harmony to the extent that they tend to avoid honest discussions about potentially uncomfortable issues and often have trouble hearing constructive criticism. Sweeping things under the rug may work temporarily, but can eventually undermine the connection they feel for each other.

This match's success really depends upon how much growth the participants want in their relationship. You cannot have much growth if you're married to yourself. Variety is the spice of life, but personal growth is the main course. This match has lots of potential, especially if the two aren't 100% ENFJ.

Positives of an ENFJ-ENFJ Relationship:

Deep Emotional Connection: ENFJs are known for their warmth, empathy, and ability to connect deeply with others. In an ENFJ-ENFJ relationship, there is a natural understanding of each other's emotions and a strong emotional bond. This deep connection can foster a loving and supportive partnership.

Shared Values and Ideals: ENFJs are driven by their values and ideals. When two ENFJs come together, they share a common vision of making a positive impact in the world and helping others. Their shared values create a strong sense of purpose and alignment, which can lead to a fulfilling and meaningful relationship.

Empathy and Support: ENFJs have a natural inclination to support and uplift others. In an ENFJ-ENFJ relationship, both partners are attuned to each other's emotional needs and can provide the empathy and encouragement they require. They can create a nurturing and understanding environment for each other.

Challenges of an ENFJ-ENFJ Relationship:

Overdependence on Each Other: ENFJs may have a tendency to rely heavily on their partners for emotional support and validation. In an ENFJ-ENFJ relationship, it's important for both partners to maintain a sense of individuality and cultivate a support system beyond their relationship to avoid becoming overly dependent on each other.

Avoiding Conflict: ENFJs often avoid conflict to maintain harmony and preserve their relationships. While this can contribute to a peaceful environment, it's important for an ENFJ-ENFJ couple to address and resolve conflicts constructively. Learning to express needs, concerns, and differing opinions in a healthy manner is crucial for the growth of the relationship.

Balancing Personal Boundaries: ENFJs have a natural tendency to prioritize the needs of others over their own. In an ENFJ-ENFJ relationship, it's essential for both partners to establish and maintain personal boundaries, ensuring that their own needs are met and they have the space for self-care and personal growth.

In short, an ENFJ-ENFJ relationship can be characterized by a deep emotional connection, shared values, and mutual support. However, challenges may arise due to overdependence, conflict avoidance, and maintaining personal boundaries.

By fostering open communication, addressing conflicts constructively and in the moment, and respecting individual needs, an ENFJ-ENFJ relationship can thrive and create a harmonious and fulfilling partnership.


Betty Baker M.A. Psych, M.Ed

About the Author

Betty Baker is an awarded marriage and family therapist and contributor to the internationally renowned PeaceBuilders® Program - a science-based, research-validated violence prevention curriculum and professional development program for grades pre-K to 12.
