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Enneagram Type 8 Compatibility



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8's Compatibility

(With Wing Considerations)

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In a relationship between a Type 8 and a Type 1 on the Enneagram, a powerful and dynamic partnership emerges, characterized by strength, integrity, and a drive for justice.

Type 1s are driven by a strong sense of right and wrong, valuing integrity and striving for perfection. They have a structured and principled approach to life, often embodying responsibility and a commitment to their moral compass. Conversations with them are characterized by logical reasoning and a commitment to truthfulness.

Type 8s, on the other hand, are known for their assertiveness and a desire for control. They have a strong sense of justice and seek to protect the vulnerable. They bring a bold and decisive nature to the relationship, emphasizing strength and the pursuit of fairness.

In this pairing, both types share a deep sense of integrity and a drive to stand up for what they believe in. They appreciate each other's strength and unwavering commitment to their values. Type 1s admire the assertiveness and boldness of Type 8s, while Type 8s respect the Type 1's sense of responsibility and desire for justice.

However, challenges may arise due to their strong-willed nature and differing approaches to power. Both types can be opinionated and have a need to be in control. The Type 1's pursuit of perfection can sometimes clash with the Type 8's desire for autonomy and independence. Conflict may arise when their visions of justice and fairness diverge.

To cultivate a healthy relationship, both types must learn to respect each other's strengths and approaches to power. Type 1s can provide stability and a principled framework, while allowing the Type 8's assertiveness to shine. Type 8s, in turn, can support the Type 1's pursuit of justice and provide protection, while considering the Type 1's need for structure and order.

Open and direct communication is crucial to address potential conflicts. Both types should express their perspectives and needs, seeking to find common ground and compromise. By embracing their shared values of integrity and justice, a Type 1 and Type 8 relationship can create a powerful partnership that strives for fairness, protection, and positive change.

Considering the

Enneagram Wings

The influence of the wings in this pair's relationship will depend on whether the Type 8 leans more towards a 7 wing (8w7) or a 9 wing (8w9), and if the Type 1 leans towards a 9 wing (1w9) or a 2 wing (1w2).

If Type 8 leans towards their 7 wing, they may be more outgoing and adventurous. This can add a sense of excitement and spontaneity to the relationship, potentially alleviating some of Type 1's concerns about rigidity. Type 8's ability to bring a lighter and more playful energy can balance out Type 1's seriousness.

If Type 8 leans towards their 9 wing, they may be more calm and diplomatic. This can create a more harmonious and peaceful environment, addressing some of Type 1's concerns about confrontations. Type 8's ability to listen and compromise can help bridge the differences between their assertiveness and Type 1's desire for order.

On the other hand, if Type 1 leans towards their 2 wing, they are likely to be more nurturing and supportive. This can create a sense of understanding and appreciation within the relationship, allowing Type 8 to feel valued and cared for. Type 1's ability to provide emotional support and assistance may also address some of Type 8's needs.

If Type 1 leans towards their 9 wing, they might be more accepting and calm. This can create a stable and peaceful environment for Type 8, who values autonomy and control. Type 1's ability to find common ground and foster compromise can help address some of the power dynamics between Type 8's assertiveness and Type 1's desire for structure.

In summary, the wings can significantly influence the dynamics of a Type 8 and Type 1 relationship. By understanding and embracing their wing's qualities, they may better navigate their differences and create a relationship that combines strength, integrity, and a balance of power.


Type 2 and Type 8 can have a powerful and dynamic relationship.

Both types are strong-willed, assertive, and driven by a desire to protect and care for others. They are often passionate and have a natural inclination to take charge in their interactions.

In a Type 8 and Type 2 relationship, there can be a strong mutual admiration and respect for each other's strengths. Type 8s appreciate the nurturing and supportive nature of Type 2s, while Type 2s value the strength and protective nature of Type 8s. They can create a sense of safety and security within the relationship.

Type 8s, known for their assertiveness and confidence, can provide a sense of protection and stability in the relationship. They have a natural ability to take charge and stand up for themselves and their loved ones. Their strength and determination can create a solid foundation of support for Type 2s.

Type 2s, in turn, bring warmth, care, and a nurturing presence to the relationship. They have a natural ability to sense the needs of others and provide emotional support. Type 8s can benefit from the emotional validation and affection that Type 2s offer, as it helps them tap into their more vulnerable and compassionate side.

However, challenges may arise in this relationship due to potential differences in handling control and autonomy. Type 8s have a strong need for independence and control, which can sometimes clash with Type 2s' desire to care for and be needed by others. Both types should be aware of their own boundaries and communicate openly to find a balance that works for both.

To foster a healthy and balanced relationship, Type 8s and Type 2s should maintain open communication and mutual respect. Type 8s should be mindful of their intensity and assertiveness, allowing space for Type 2s to express their needs and desires. Type 2s, on the other hand, should feel comfortable setting boundaries and asserting their own independence.

Considering the

Enneagram Wings

The influence of the wings in this pair's relationship will depend on whether the Type 8 leans more towards a 7 wing (8w7) or a 9 wing (8w9), and if the Type 2 leans towards a 1 wing (2w1) or a 3 wing (2w3).

If Type 8 leans towards their 7 wing, they may bring a more adventurous and spontaneous approach to the relationship. They can inspire their partner to embrace excitement and new experiences. However, they should be mindful of their intensity and create space for the nurturing and emotional needs of Type 2.

If Type 8 leans towards their 9 wing, they may bring a more easygoing and harmonious approach to the relationship. They can provide a sense of calm and stability, creating an environment where Type 2 feels supported and secure. However, they should be aware of their tendency to avoid conflict and actively address any issues that arise.

On the other hand, if Type 2 leans towards their 1 wing, they may bring a sense of responsibility, integrity, and a desire for perfection to the relationship. They may prioritize doing what is right and hold themselves and their partner to high standards. They can provide structure and support each other's personal growth and development.

If Type 2 leans towards their 3 wing, they may bring a more achievement-oriented and image-conscious approach to the relationship. They may focus on success, recognition, and external validation. Both partners can motivate and inspire each other, but it is important to ensure that they also prioritize genuine emotional connection and mutual support.

In summary, a Type 8 and Type 2 relationship can be a powerful and passionate partnership. By maintaining open communication, respecting each other's boundaries, and finding a balance between control and nurturing, they can create a relationship that is strong, supportive, and emotionally fulfilling.



Type 3 and Type 8 can have a powerful and dynamic relationship.

Both types are assertive, driven, and motivated by a desire for success, influence, and recognition. They share a common focus on achievement and have a natural inclination to take charge in their interactions.

In a Type 8 and Type 3 relationship, there can be a strong mutual respect and admiration for each other's strengths. Type 8s appreciate the determination and ambition of Type 3s, while Type 3s value the strength, confidence, and leadership of Type 8s. They can create a partnership that is characterized by mutual support and a drive for excellence.

Type 8s, known for their assertiveness and independence, can provide a sense of protection and stability in the relationship. They have a natural ability to take charge and assert their needs and boundaries. Their strength and confidence can inspire Type 3s to push themselves and pursue their goals with unwavering determination.

Type 3s, in turn, bring drive, ambition, and a goal-oriented mindset to the relationship. They can provide support and encouragement to Type 8s in achieving their visions and aspirations. Their ability to focus on success and maintain a positive image can align with Type 8s' desire for achievement and influence.

However, challenges may arise in this relationship due to potential differences in handling control and vulnerability. Type 8s have a strong need for autonomy and control, which can sometimes clash with Type 3s' drive for recognition and success. Both types should be aware of their own boundaries and communicate openly to find a balance that works for both.

To foster a healthy and balanced relationship, Type 8s and Type 3s should prioritize open communication and mutual respect. Type 8s should be mindful of their intensity and create space for Type 3s to express their needs and desires. Type 3s, on the other hand, should provide reassurance and support to help Type 8s navigate their vulnerabilities and emotions.

Considering the

Enneagram Wings

The influence of the wings in this pair's relationship will depend on whether the Type 8 leans more towards a 7 wing (8w7) or a 9 wing (8w9), and if the Type 3 leans towards a 2 wing (3w2) or a 4 wing (3w4).

If Type 8 leans towards their 7 wing, they may bring a more adventurous and spontaneous approach to the relationship. They can inspire their partner to embrace excitement, new experiences, and a sense of joy. Both types can engage in dynamic activities together, balancing their drive for success with moments of fun and playfulness.

If Type 8 leans towards their 9 wing, they may bring a more calm and grounded approach to the relationship. They can provide stability and support, helping to create a sense of security within the partnership. Their ability to find common ground and mediate conflicts can enhance the overall harmony in the relationship.

On the other hand, if Type 3 leans towards their 2 wing, they may bring a nurturing and supportive approach to the relationship. They can provide encouragement and emotional support to their partner, helping them feel valued and appreciated. They can foster an environment where both types feel seen and supported.

If Type 3 leans towards their 4 wing, they may bring a more introspective and individualistic approach to the relationship. They can encourage each other's personal growth, self-expression, and authenticity. They may navigate success in a way that aligns with their unique identities.

In summary, a Type 8 and Type 3 relationship can be powerful and driven. By maintaining open communication, embracing both ambition and vulnerability, and finding a balance between control and support, they can create a partnership that is characterized by mutual respect, shared goals, and a drive for excellence. It is important for them to respect each other's individuality and support each other's aspirations.



The relationship between a Type 4 and a Type 8 can be both intense and transformative.

These two types bring strong personalities, a desire for authenticity, and a need for personal power to the partnership. While their differences can create challenges, they also have the potential to inspire and support each other in their individual growth.

Type 8s, known for their assertiveness and desire for control, may initially struggle with the intense emotions and introspection of Type 4s. They may approach situations with directness and a focus on action, which can clash with the deep emotional exploration and desire for authenticity of Type 4s. However, Type 8s can provide strength, stability, and a sense of protection in the relationship.

Type 4s, on the other hand, bring a depth of emotions and a desire for individuality and self-expression. They value authenticity and the exploration of their unique identities. Type 4s may be intrigued by the confidence and assertiveness of Type 8s, finding their strength and directness inspiring. However, they may also desire a deeper emotional connection and vulnerability from their partner, which can be challenging for Type 8s, who may struggle with expressing their own emotions.

Challenges may arise due to differences in handling vulnerability and control. Type 8s may have a tendency to protect themselves by being guarded, while Type 4s may yearn for a deeper emotional connection. Both types need to communicate openly and cultivate trust, allowing themselves to be vulnerable while respecting each other's boundaries and needs for personal power.

To build a healthy relationship, Type 8s and Type 4s should work on finding a balance between strength and vulnerability. Type 8s can practice opening up emotionally and supporting the emotional needs of Type 4s, allowing for deeper intimacy and connection. Type 4s, in turn, can appreciate the protective and decisive nature of Type 8s, finding security and stability within the relationship.

Considering the

Enneagram Wings

The influence of the wings in this pair's relationship will depend on whether the Type 8 leans more towards a 7 wing (8w7) or a 9 wing (8w9), and if the Type 4 leans towards a 3 wing (4w3) or a 5 wing (4w5).

If Type 8 leans towards their 7 wing, they may bring a more adventurous and optimistic approach to the relationship. They can inspire their partner to embrace new experiences and enjoy the lighter side of life. Their enthusiasm and energy can add excitement and spontaneity to the partnership.

If Type 8 leans towards their 9 wing, they may bring a more calm and accommodating approach to the relationship. They can provide stability and support, helping to create a sense of security within the partnership. Their ability to find common ground and mediate conflicts can enhance overall harmony in the relationship.

On the other hand, if Type 4 leans towards their 3 wing, they may bring a more outgoing and image-conscious approach to the relationship. They can inspire their partner to share their unique qualities with the world and pursue their creative aspirations. They may support each other's personal growth and help navigate the intersection of authenticity and achievement.

If Type 4 leans towards their 5 wing, they may bring a more independent and intellectually focused approach to the relationship. They can engage in deep conversations and pursue shared intellectual interests. Their shared introspection and quest for knowledge can create a bond built on mutual understanding and intellectual stimulation.

In summary, a Type 8 and Type 4 relationship can be both intense and transformative. By embracing both strength and vulnerability, communicating openly, and respecting each other's unique perspectives, they can build a partnership that combines power, authenticity, and personal growth. It is important for them to find a balance between assertiveness and emotional connection, allowing space for both individuality and intimacy within the relationship.



The relationship between a Type 8, and a Type 5 , commonly referred to as The Investigator, can be characterized by a mutual appreciation for independence, directness, and a hands-off approach.

The Challenger (Type 8) is assertive, protective, and resourceful, often seeking control and challenging injustice. On the other hand, The Investigator (Type 5) is intellectual, introspective, and values privacy, often seeking knowledge and understanding.

In a Type 8 and Type 5 relationship, there can be mutual respect for autonomy and a shared appreciation for straightforward communication. The assertiveness of the Type 8 can pair well with the Type 5's ability to detach and rationalize, creating a dynamic that allows both types to maintain their sense of individuality.

However, potential challenges may arise from their different ways of handling emotions and stress. The Type 8's intensity and forwardness could overwhelm the Type 5, who may respond by withdrawing further. Conversely, the Type 5's need for privacy could be perceived by the Type 8 as emotional distancing or disinterest.

To maintain a healthy relationship, Type 8 should respect Type 5's need for solitude and time to recharge, while Type 5 should make an effort to openly communicate their needs and feelings to avoid misunderstandings.

Considering the

Enneagram Wings

The influence of the wings in this pair's relationship will depend on whether the Type 8 leans more towards a 7 wing (8w7, The Maverick) or a 9 wing (8w9, The Bear), and whether the Type 5 leans towards a 4 wing (5w4, The Iconoclast) or a 6 wing (5w6, The Problem Solver).

If Type 8 leans towards their 7 wing (8w7, The Maverick), they may bring more enthusiasm and openness to new experiences into the relationship, adding an adventurous spirit.

If Type 8 leans towards their 9 wing (8w9, The Bear), they may bring more calmness and patience into the relationship, providing a balancing energy to the Type 5's analytical nature.

On the other hand, if Type 5 leans towards their 4 wing (5w4, The Iconoclast), they may bring a unique blend of intellectual depth and emotional introspection to the relationship, adding depth and a more intense quest for understanding.

If Type 5 leans towards their 6 wing (5w6, The Problem Solver), they may bring more analytical, practical skills to the relationship, offering consistent, logical perspectives and solutions.

In summary, a relationship between a Type 8 and a Type 5 can balance control with independence, energy with introspection, and practicality with a quest for deeper understanding. By appreciating their differences and communicating openly, they can build a rich, dynamic partnership.



The relationship between a Type 8, (The Challenger), and a Type 6, can be a dynamic, compelling, and potentially complex partnership.

The Challenger (Type 8) is typically assertive, self-confident, and power-oriented, often seeking control and truth in relationships. On the other hand, The Loyalist (Type 6) is responsible, committed, and security-oriented, often seeking reliability and trust in relationships.

In a Type 8 and Type 6 relationship, there can be mutual admiration for each other's strength and tenacity. The Type 6's loyalty and reliability can provide a stable foundation for the Type 8's need for control and truth. The Type 8, in turn, can provide the Type 6 with a sense of protection and support, instilling confidence and empowerment.

However, potential challenges may arise due to their differing needs and approaches. The Type 6's need for reassurance and security may conflict with the Type 8's desire for control and autonomy. The Type 6 might perceive the Type 8 as intimidating or overly assertive, while the Type 8 may see the Type 6 as overly cautious or indecisive.

To foster a healthy relationship, it's crucial for both types to communicate their needs openly and understand each other's perspectives. The Type 8 should respect the Type 6's need for security and reassurance, and the Type 6 should strive to meet the Type 8's need for truth and control.

Considering the

Enneagram Wings

The influence of the wings in this pair's relationship will depend on whether the Type 8 leans more towards a 7 wing (8w7, The Maverick), or a 9 wing (8w9, The Bear). Also, it will depend on whether the Type 6 leans towards a 5 wing (6w5, The Defender), or a 7 wing (6w7, The Buddy).

If Type 8 leans towards their 7 wing (8w7), they may bring a more assertive, adventurous energy to the relationship, combining their need for control with a desire for new experiences.

If Type 8 leans towards their 9 wing (8w9), they may bring a calmer, more protective energy to the relationship, balancing their need for control with a desire for peace and stability.

On the other hand, if Type 6 leans towards their 5 wing (6w5), they may bring a more analytical, independent approach to the relationship, offering a sense of stability and depth of thought.

If Type 6 leans towards their 7 wing (6w7), they may bring a more sociable, optimistic approach to the relationship, balancing their need for security with an appreciation for joy and adventure.

In summary, a relationship between a Type 8 and a Type 6 can offer a blend of control, truth, security, and loyalty. With open communication and mutual understanding, they can cultivate a relationship that respects both the need for control and the need for security.



The relationship between a Type 8, and a Type 7, commonly referred to as "The Enthusiast", can be a dynamic, energetic, and engaging partnership.

The Challenger (Type 8) is typically assertive, self-confident, and power-oriented, often seeking control and truth in relationships. On the other hand, The Enthusiast (Type 7) is enthusiastic, adventurous, and freedom-oriented, often seeking new experiences and joy in relationships.

In a Type 8 and Type 7 relationship, there can be a mutual appreciation for each other's strength and zest for life. The Type 8's desire for control and truth can complement the Type 7's adventurous spirit, creating a dynamic and forward-moving energy. The Type 7, in turn, can add fun and spontaneity to the Type 8's life, helping them loosen up and enjoy the lighter side of life.

However, potential challenges may arise due to their differing needs and attitudes. The Type 8's need for control and truth might conflict with the Type 7's desire for freedom and novelty. The Type 8 might perceive the Type 7 as too scattered or unfocused, while the Type 7 may feel overwhelmed by the Type 8's intensity or assertiveness.

To foster a healthy relationship, it's crucial for both types to communicate their needs openly and respect each other's perspectives. The Type 8 should give the Type 7 the freedom and excitement they crave, while the Type 7 should try to provide the Type 8 with the honesty and directness they value.

Considering the

Enneagram Wings

The influence of the wings in this pair's relationship will depend on whether the Type 8 leans more towards a 7 wing (8w7, The Maverick), or a 9 wing (8w9, The Bear). Also, it will depend on whether the Type 7 leans towards a 6 wing (7w6, The Entertainer), or an 8 wing (7w8, The Realist).

If Type 8 leans towards their 7 wing (8w7), they may bring a more adventurous, energetic approach to the relationship, blending their need for control with a love for excitement.

If Type 8 leans towards their 9 wing (8w9), they may bring a more protective, calming energy to the relationship, balancing their need for control with a desire for peace and stability.

On the other hand, if Type 7 leans towards their 6 wing (7w6), they may bring a more loyal, engaging approach to the relationship, combining their need for excitement with a desire for security.

If Type 7 leans towards their 8 wing (7w8), they may bring a more assertive, confident approach to the relationship, mixing their love for adventure with a desire for control and assertiveness.

In summary, a relationship between a Type 8 and a Type 7 can offer a blend of control, truth, enthusiasm, and adventure. With open communication and mutual understanding, they can cultivate a dynamic relationship that respects both the need for control and the need for freedom and excitement.



The relationship between two Type 8s, each often known as The Challenger, can be a dynamic, powerful, and intense partnership.

Both being Type 8, they are typically assertive, self-confident, and power-oriented, often seeking control and truth in relationships. They value honesty, directness, and can be very protective of their loved ones.

In a Type 8 and Type 8 relationship, there can be a mutual understanding and respect for each other's strength and assertiveness. Both can provide the other with the sense of control and truth they seek, leading to a partnership that can be equal parts challenging and supportive. This relationship can be highly dynamic due to their mutual drive and determination.

However, potential challenges may arise due to their shared tendency to assert control. Both Type 8's can be stubborn, willful, and unwilling to back down, which might lead to power struggles or conflicts. Their joint inclination towards directness and confrontation can also lead to intense arguments if not managed well.

To foster a healthy relationship, it's crucial for both Type 8's to learn to compromise and balance their need for control with respect for the other's autonomy. They should communicate openly about their feelings and desires, and practice patience and understanding in the face of disagreement or conflict.

Considering the

Enneagram Wings


The influence of the wings in this pair's relationship will depend on whether each Type 8 leans more towards a 7 wing (8w7, The Maverick), or a 9 wing (8w9, The Bear).

If one Type 8 leans towards their 7 wing (8w7), they may bring a more adventurous, energetic approach to the relationship, balancing their need for control with a desire for excitement and novelty.

If the Type 8 leans towards their 9 wing (8w9), they may bring a more calming, peaceful energy to the relationship, balancing their need for control with a desire for stability and harmony.

The interplay between the wings can bring a variety of dynamics to the relationship. An 8w7 and an 8w9 could balance each other out, with the 8w7 bringing a more energetic, adventurous approach and the 8w9 bringing a more peaceful, stabilizing energy. Two 8w7s might create a highly energetic and assertive environment, while two 8w9s might lead to a more peaceful and harmonious relationship.

In summary, a relationship between two Type 8's can offer a blend of control, truth, and power. With open communication, mutual understanding, and a shared sense of determination, they can cultivate a dynamic and powerful relationship.




Type 8 and Type 9 individuals may encounter challenges in their interactions due to their contrasting traits and tendencies.

While Type 8 is assertive, confident, and opinionated, Type 9 is peaceful, easy-going, and accommodating.

Because of these differences, Type 9 individuals may struggle with the assertiveness and strong opinions of Type 8 individuals, feeling overwhelmed or intimidated by their intensity. On the other hand, Type 8 individuals may view Type 9 individuals as too passive or complacent, leading to frustration and impatience.

It's important to note that these tendencies are not absolute, and individuals of each type can vary greatly in their personality traits and behaviors. Understanding these differences can help individuals of different types work together effectively and communicate in a way that respects each other's strengths and challenges.

Despite these potential obstacles, with mutual respect and understanding, these two types can learn to appreciate and benefit from each other's unique perspectives and strengths.

But there is hope! Wings may come to the rescue...

Considering the

Enneagram Wings

The influence of the wings in this pair's relationship will depend on whether the Type 8 leans more towards a 7 wing or a 9 wing, and if the Type 9 leans towards a 1 wing or an 8 wing.

Type 8 and Type 9 individuals might face some challenges in their relationship due to their distinct orientations. The assertive and sometimes confrontational nature of Type 8, especially with a 7 wing (8w7), could be a source of tension for the conflict-averse Type 9. The 8w7's desire for high intensity and constant engagement could disrupt the tranquility that Type 9 values.

Conversely, Type 8, particularly with a 9 wing (8w9), may be more relaxed and laid-back than the typical Type 8, potentially making them more understanding of a Type 9's need for peace and harmony.

On the other hand, a Type 9, especially with a 1 wing (9w1), could bring more structure and idealism into the relationship, which may not be in sync with the dynamic and more spontaneous nature of an 8, especially an 8w7.

Meanwhile, a Type 9 with an 8 wing (9w8) may be more assertive and self-assertive than the typical Type 9, potentially offering a balance to the intensity of Type 8.

Despite these potential difficulties, a successful relationship between Types 8 and 9 is entirely possible. Both individuals would need to effectively communicate, respect their differences, and strive to understand each other's viewpoints.

Remember that while the Enneagram offers a useful framework for understanding interpersonal dynamics, it is not a definitive predictor of relationship success or failure. Each person is unique, and individual experiences may vary.


Betty Baker M.A. Psych, M.Ed

About the Author

Betty Baker is an awarded marriage and family therapist and contributor to the internationally renowned PeaceBuilders® Program - a science-based, research-validated violence prevention curriculum and professional development program for children, grades pre-K to 12.

