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Enneagram Type 4 Compatibility

4's Compatibility

 Short Cuts   


Enneagram%201%20(1)Plus Enneagram%204%20(4)


Enneagram%202%20(2)Plus Enneagram%204%20(4)


Plus Enneagram%204%20(4)


Plus Enneagram%204%20(4)


Enneagram%205%20(5)Plus Enneagram%204%20(4)


Enneagram%206%20(6)Plus Enneagram%204%20(4)


Plus Enneagram%204%20(4)


Enneagram%208%20(8)Plus Enneagram%204%20(4)


Enneagram%209%20(9)Plus Enneagram%204%20(4)




Type 1 with Type 4 can be both harmonious and challenging.

In a relationship between a Type 1 and a Type 4 on the Enneagram, the dynamics can create a fascinating interplay of contrasting qualities and emotional depth.

Type 1s are driven by a strong sense of right and wrong, valuing integrity and striving for perfection. They have a structured and principled approach to life, often placing a high emphasis on responsibility and adhering to their moral compass. Conversations with them are characterized by logical reasoning and a commitment to truthfulness.

On the other hand, Type 4s are known for their emotional depth and introspection. They value authenticity and individuality, seeking to express their unique identity and emotions. They often bring a heightened sensitivity and a rich inner world to the relationship.

This pairing can be both harmonious and challenging. Type 1s may sometimes struggle to understand the complex and ever-changing emotions of Type 4s. The emphasis on structure and practicality in the Type 1's approach may clash with the Type 4's desire for freedom and self-expression. However, when both types can appreciate and embrace their differences, a deep and meaningful connection can unfold.

Type 1s can provide stability and grounding for the sometimes turbulent emotions of Type 4s. Their sense of responsibility can help create a structured environment where the Type 4 can explore their creativity and emotions more freely. In turn, Type 4s can inspire Type 1s to embrace the beauty of imperfection and tap into their own emotions.

Effective communication is essential in this relationship. Type 1s should strive to understand and empathize with the emotional needs of Type 4s, offering support and validation. Type 4s, in turn, can help Type 1s navigate their perfectionistic tendencies by encouraging self-acceptance and reminding them of the beauty in life's imperfections.

When both types can find a balance between structure and spontaneity, practicality and emotional depth, a Type 1 and Type 4 relationship can foster personal growth, deep connection, and a shared appreciation for the complexities of life.

Considering the

Enneagram Wings

The influence of the wings in this pair's relationship will depend on whether the Type 4 leans more towards a 3 wing (4w3) or a 5 wing (4w5), and if the Type 1 leans towards a 9 wing (1w9) or a 2 wing (1w2).

If Type 4 leans towards their 3 wing, they may be more focused on achievement and success. This could help them to understand Type 1's drive for excellence and may make them more willing to conform to certain standards. They might also be more willing to express their emotions in a way that resonates with Type 1's need for order and structure.

If Type 4 leans towards their 5 wing, they may be more introspective and intellectual. This could help them appreciate Type 1's logical thinking and principled nature. They might also be more self-reliant and less dependent on external validation, which could alleviate some of Type 1's concerns about emotional intensity.

On the other hand, if Type 1 leans towards their 2 wing, they are likely to be more nurturing and supportive. This could help them connect with Type 4's emotional needs and desire for acceptance. They might also provide reassurance and warmth to Type 4, creating a sense of safety within the relationship.

If Type 1 leans towards their 9 wing, they might be more accepting and open-minded. This could help them to appreciate Type 4's individuality and emotional depth. They might also bring a calming influence and be more willing to compromise, which could harmonize their interactions with Type 4.

In summary, the wings can significantly influence the dynamics of a Type 4 and Type 1 relationship. By understanding and embracing their wing's qualities, they may better navigate their differences and create a relationship that combines emotional depth with stability and integrity.




In a relationship between a Type 2 and a Type 4, a deep connection marked by emotional intensity, empathy, and creative expression emerges.

In a Type 2 and Type 4 relationship, there can be a deep understanding and appreciation for each other's emotional depths and need for validation. They can create a rich and intimate emotional connection, supporting and validating each other's feelings and experiences.

Both types have a natural inclination towards empathy and compassion, which can foster a strong sense of emotional support and understanding within the relationship. They are likely to engage in deep, meaningful conversations and share their vulnerabilities with each other.

However, challenges may arise in this relationship as well. Both types can have a tendency to be emotionally intense and may struggle with self-worth and self-esteem. They might rely on external validation to feel valued, which can create a dynamic of seeking constant affirmation from each other.

To foster a healthy and balanced relationship, it is important for Type 4s and Type 2s to cultivate self-awareness and self-compassion. They should encourage each other to develop a strong sense of self-worth and support each other in embracing their unique qualities and strengths.

It is also crucial for both types to maintain their individuality and avoid merging into each other's identities. They should allow space for personal growth, independence, and self-expression. By honoring each other's need for autonomy and self-discovery, they can prevent codependency and nurture a healthy sense of self within the relationship.

Considering the

Enneagram Wings

The influence of the wings in this pair's relationship will depend on whether the Type 4 leans more towards a 3 wing (4w3) or a 5 wing (4w5), and if the Type 2 leans towards a 1 wing (2w1) or a 3 wing (2w3).

If Type 4 leans towards their 3 wing, they may bring a more achievement-oriented and image-conscious approach to the relationship. They may strive for success and recognition, and can support each other's goals and aspirations. However, they should be mindful of maintaining a balance between external validation and a genuine sense of self-worth.

If Type 4 leans towards their 5 wing, they may bring a more introspective and independent approach to the relationship. They may value their individuality and seek to explore their own unique interests and passions. They can encourage each other to delve into their inner worlds, embracing their creativity and embracing their differences.

On the other hand, if Type 2 leans towards their 1 wing, they may bring a sense of responsibility, integrity, and a desire for perfection to the relationship. They may prioritize doing what is right and hold themselves and their partner to high standards. They can provide stability and support each other's personal growth.

If Type 2 leans towards their 3 wing, they may bring a more achievement-oriented and image-conscious approach to the relationship. They may focus on success, recognition, and external validation. Both partners can motivate and inspire each other, but it is important to ensure that they also prioritize genuine emotional connection and mutual support.

In summary, a Type 4 and Type 2 relationship can be deep and emotionally fulfilling. By cultivating self-awareness, maintaining individuality, and embracing each other's unique qualities, they can create a relationship that nurtures personal growth, authenticity, and deep emotional connection.



Type 3 and Type 4 can have an intriguing and potentially challenging relationship.

The relationship between a Type 4, often known as The Individualist, and a Type 3, commonly referred to as The Achiever, can provide a fascinating blend of introspection, emotion, ambition, and action.

The Individualist (Type 4) typically values authenticity and depth of feeling, and can be intensely introspective. The Achiever (Type 3), on the other hand, is goal-oriented, adaptable, and often driven by a desire for success and recognition.

In this partnership, the depth and emotional authenticity of the Type 4 Individualist can add a layer of richness to the dynamic life of the Type 3 Achiever. Conversely, the driven nature and focus on achievement of the Type 3 can motivate the Type 4, encouraging them to actualize their unique creative insights.

Potential conflicts may arise due to their differing priorities. The Type 4 Individualist's focus on emotional depth and authenticity can clash with the Type 3 Achiever's focus on success and image. The Type 4 might view the Type 3 as overly focused on external validation, while the Type 3 may find the Type 4's emotional intensity and desire for authenticity to be overwhelming or impractical at times.

For the relationship to thrive, it's crucial that both types understand and respect each other's differing values and needs. The Type 4 should appreciate the Type 3's ambition and drive, and the Type 3 should respect the Type 4's need for emotional depth and authenticity.

Considering the

Enneagram Wings

The influence of the wings in this pair's relationship will depend on whether the Type 4 leans more towards a 3 wing (4w3) or a 5 wing (4w5), and if the Type 3 leans towards a 2 wing (3w2) or a 4 wing (3w4).

If Type 4 leans towards their 3 wing, they may bring a more achievement-oriented and image-conscious approach to the relationship. They can support each other in pursuing their goals and aspirations, finding a balance between external validation and personal authenticity. However, they should be mindful of not compromising their true selves for the sake of success.

If Type 4 leans towards their 5 wing, they may bring a more introspective and independent approach to the relationship. They can encourage each other's intellectual and creative pursuits, embracing their individuality and unique perspectives. They may find solace and inspiration in exploring their inner worlds together.

On the other hand, if Type 3 leans towards their 2 wing, they may bring a nurturing and supportive approach to the relationship. They can provide encouragement and emotional support to their partner, helping them connect with their emotions and express their authentic selves. They can foster an environment where both types feel seen, valued, and supported.

If Type 3 leans towards their 4 wing, they may bring a more introspective and individualistic approach to the relationship. They can inspire their partner to embrace their unique qualities, artistic expression, and personal growth. They may navigate success in a way that feels aligned with their true selves.

In summary, a Type 4 and Type 3 relationship can be both challenging and transformative. By fostering open communication, embracing authenticity, and finding a balance between personal expression and shared goals, they can create a relationship that supports both their emotional depth and their drive for success. It is important for them to respect each other's individuality and work together to bridge their differences.



4s can have a complex and intense relationship.

Both types are highly introspective, sensitive, and driven by a desire for authenticity and self-expression. They share a common focus on individuality, emotions, and personal meaning.

In a Type 4/4 relationship, there can be a deep sense of understanding and connection due to their shared experiences and emotional depth. They have the potential to create a rich and profound bond, where they can explore their unique identities and engage in deep conversations about their feelings and desires.

Both types value authenticity and are often drawn to the unique qualities they see in each other. They can provide emotional support and validation, as they have a natural understanding of the depth and complexity of each other's emotions. They may enjoy engaging in creative and artistic endeavors together, as they appreciate self-expression and the exploration of inner worlds.

However, challenges may arise in this relationship due to the potential for emotional intensity and self-absorption. Both types have a tendency to focus on their own feelings and can become self-conscious and withdrawn. This can lead to a lack of communication and understanding, as they may struggle to support each other's emotional needs while grappling with their own.

To build a healthy relationship, Type 4s need to actively work on empathy and understanding for each other. They should make an effort to be attentive and supportive, while also maintaining healthy boundaries and not becoming overly absorbed in their own emotions. They should communicate openly, expressing their needs and desires, and be willing to listen to their partner with empathy and compassion.

Considering the

Enneagram Wings

If one Type 4 leans more towards a 3 wing (4w3) while the other leans more towards a 5 wing (4w5), their relationship may experience some contrasting qualities.

The 4w3 individual may bring a more outgoing, image-conscious approach, emphasizing the pursuit of creative aspirations and external validation. Meanwhile, the 4w5 individual may embody a more introspective and independent nature, prioritizing depth and knowledge. These differences can contribute to both the richness and potential challenges in their relationship.

The 4w3 individual can inspire their partner to share their unique qualities with the world and pursue their creative ambitions. They may encourage the 4w5 partner to embrace their aspirations and take pride in their accomplishments. However, the 4w3's focus on external validation may need to be balanced with the 4w5's need for introspection and authenticity.

On the other hand, the 4w5 individual can provide stability and depth to the relationship. They may encourage their partner to delve into their emotions and thoughts, engaging in intellectual and artistic pursuits together. Their introspective nature can align with the 4w3's desire for personal meaning. However, the 4w5's inclination towards solitude and independence may need to be balanced with the 4w3's need for connection and social validation.

In any Type 4 and Type 4 relationship, regardless of their wings, there will likely be a deep sense of understanding and connection due to their shared experiences and emotional depth. They can provide each other with emotional support and validation, as they inherently grasp the complexities of each other's feelings. Their relationship may involve engaging in creative endeavors and exploring their unique identities together.

However, challenges may arise due to their shared tendencies towards emotional intensity and self-absorption. Both individuals may become self-conscious and withdrawn, potentially leading to a lack of communication and understanding. It is crucial for both partners to actively practice empathy, listen to each other with compassion, and strike a balance between supporting their own emotional needs and attending to their partner's needs.

To build a healthy relationship, Type 4 individuals need to be mindful of not becoming overly absorbed in their own emotions and should actively work on supporting and understanding each other. They should communicate openly, expressing their needs and desires, while remaining receptive to their partner's perspectives. Balancing introspection with genuine connection, respecting each other's individuality, and finding shared meaning can contribute to the growth and fulfillment of their relationship.



The relationship between a Type 5 and a Type 4 can be intellectually stimulating and emotionally profound, but may require understanding and respect for each other's boundaries and emotional needs.

The Investigator (Type 5) is typically analytical, introspective, and knowledge-seeking, often valuing their intellectual independence. On the other hand, The Individualist (Type 4) values emotional depth, personal authenticity, and expression of their unique identity.

In a Type 5 and Type 4 relationship, there can be a mutual appreciation for introspection and exploration of the inner world. The Type 5's analytical depth can complement the Type 4's emotional depth, creating a unique blend of intellectual and emotional understanding.

However, potential challenges may arise due to their differing areas of focus. The Type 5's tendency to retreat into their intellectual pursuits may clash with the Type 4's need for emotional connection and authenticity. The Type 5 might find the Type 4's emotional intensity overwhelming at times, while the Type 4 may perceive the Type 5 as detached or emotionally unavailable.

To maintain a healthy relationship, it's crucial for both types to understand and respect each other's differing needs. The Type 5 should appreciate the Type 4's emotional depth and authenticity, and the Type 4 should respect the Type 5's need for intellectual exploration and privacy.

Considering the

Enneagram Wings

The influence of the wings in this pair's relationship will depend on whether the Type 5 leans more towards a 4 wing (5w4) or a 6 wing (5w6), and if the Type 4 leans towards a 3 wing (4w3) or a 5 wing (4w5).

If Type 5 leans towards their 4 wing, they may bring a more introspective and individualistic approach to the relationship. They can encourage each other's personal growth, self-expression, and authenticity. They may explore their unique interests and engage in deep, intellectual conversations that fuel their curiosity and connection.

If Type 5 leans towards their 6 wing, they may bring a more cautious and security-oriented approach to the relationship. They can provide stability and practicality, balancing the intense emotions of the Type 4. They may support each other in navigating uncertainties and finding a sense of security within the partnership.

On the other hand, if Type 4 leans towards their 3 wing, they may bring a more outgoing and image-conscious approach to the relationship. They can inspire their partner to share their unique qualities with the world and embrace their creative aspirations. They may support each other's personal growth and help navigate the intersection of authenticity and achievement.

If Type 4 leans towards their 5 wing, they may bring a more independent and intellectually focused approach to the relationship. They can engage in deep conversations and pursue shared intellectual interests. Their shared introspection and quest for knowledge can create a bond built on mutual understanding and intellectual stimulation.

In summary, a Type 5 and Type 4 relationship can be intellectually rich and emotionally profound. By fostering open communication, respecting each other's need for personal space and emotional depth, and finding a balance between intellectual pursuits and emotional connection, they can create a relationship that supports both their desire for knowledge and self-expression. 



The relationship between a Type 6 and a Type 4 can be both challenging and growth-oriented.

While they have distinct differences, their shared values of authenticity and personal growth can create a deep and meaningful connection.

Type 6s, known for their loyalty and cautious nature, may initially struggle with the intense emotions and individualistic tendencies of Type 4s. They may seek security and stability, which can clash with the unpredictable and introspective nature of Type 4s. However, Type 6s can provide a sense of support and stability, offering a grounding presence to the relationship.

Type 4s, on the other hand, bring a depth of emotions and a desire for self-expression. They value authenticity and uniqueness, which can intrigue and inspire Type 6s. Type 4s may appreciate the loyalty and commitment of Type 6s, finding comfort in their reliability and steadfastness.

Challenges may arise due to differences in handling fear and uncertainty. Type 6s tend to anticipate potential risks and seek reassurance, while Type 4s may embrace the unknown and explore their emotions deeply. Both types need to communicate openly and understand each other's fears and coping mechanisms to build trust and find common ground.

To foster a healthy relationship, Type 6s and Type 4s should work on cultivating open communication and trust. Type 6s can offer reassurance and support, helping Type 4s feel secure and accepted. Type 4s, in turn, can encourage Type 6s to embrace their emotions and explore their own unique identities.

Considering the

Enneagram Wings

The influence of the wings in this pair's relationship will depend on whether the Type 6 leans more towards a 5 wing (6w5) or a 7 wing (6w7), and if the Type 4 leans towards a 3 wing (4w3) or a 5 wing (4w5).

If Type 6 leans towards their 5 wing, they may bring a more independent and analytical approach to the relationship. They can provide thoughtful perspectives, research, and logical reasoning, balancing the intense emotions of the Type 4. Their insights and calm nature can help navigate challenges and find stability.

If Type 6 leans towards their 7 wing, they may bring a more adventurous and optimistic approach to the relationship. They can inspire their partner to embrace new experiences and step out of their comfort zones. Their enthusiasm and energy can add excitement and spontaneity to the partnership.

On the other hand, if Type 4 leans towards their 3 wing, they may bring a more outgoing and image-conscious approach to the relationship. They can inspire their partner to share their unique qualities with the world and pursue their creative aspirations. They may support each other's personal growth and help navigate the intersection of authenticity and achievement.

If Type 4 leans towards their 5 wing, they may bring a more independent and intellectually focused approach to the relationship. They can engage in deep conversations and pursue shared intellectual interests. Their shared introspection and quest for knowledge can create a bond built on mutual understanding and intellectual stimulation.

In summary, a Type 6 and Type 4 relationship can be both challenging and transformative. By cultivating open communication, understanding each other's fears and coping mechanisms, and respecting each other's unique perspectives, they can build a partnership that supports both personal growth and emotional depth. It is important for them to embrace their differences and work together to find a balance between security and self-expression.



The relationship between a Type 7 and a Type 4 can be both exciting and challenging, as they bring contrasting qualities and desires to the partnership.

While they may initially be drawn to each other's unique qualities, navigating their differences and finding a balance is essential for a harmonious relationship.

Type 7s, known for their adventurous and enthusiastic nature, may struggle with the intense emotions and introspective tendencies of Type 4s. They may seek constant stimulation and avoid negative emotions, which can clash with the deep emotional exploration of Type 4s. However, Type 7s can bring a sense of joy, optimism, and spontaneity to the relationship, creating a lively and dynamic atmosphere.

Type 4s, on the other hand, bring a depth of emotions and a desire for authenticity. They value individuality and exploring the complexities of their inner world. Type 4s may be intrigued by the adventurous and positive outlook of Type 7s, finding their enthusiasm inspiring. However, they may also yearn for a deeper emotional connection, which can be challenging if Type 7s avoid exploring their own emotions.

Challenges may arise due to differences in handling discomfort and emotional intensity. Type 7s tend to avoid negative emotions and may seek distractions, while Type 4s willingly explore their emotional landscape. Both types need to communicate openly, balancing excitement and introspection, to create an environment where emotional depth can be acknowledged and understood.

To foster a healthy relationship, Type 7s and Type 4s should work on embracing both adventure and emotional connection. Type 7s can learn to be present with their own emotions and provide support for the emotional needs of Type 4s. Type 4s, in turn, can appreciate the positivity and spontaneity of Type 7s, finding joy in shared experiences while also expressing their own emotions authentically.

Considering the

Enneagram Wings

The influence of the wings in this pair's relationship will depend on whether the Type 7 leans more towards a 6 wing (7w6) or an 8 wing (7w8), and if the Type 4 leans towards a 3 wing (4w3) or a 5 wing (4w5).

If Type 7 leans towards their 6 wing, they may bring a more cautious and loyal approach to the relationship. They can provide stability and practicality, balancing the adventurous nature of Type 7. They may support each other in facing challenges and navigating uncertainties, creating a sense of security within the partnership.

If Type 7 leans towards their 8 wing, they may bring a more assertive and independent approach to the relationship. They can empower their partner to embrace their own strength and assert their needs. Their assertiveness can create a dynamic and passionate connection within the relationship.

On the other hand, if Type 4 leans towards their 3 wing, they may bring a more outgoing and image-conscious approach to the relationship. They can inspire their partner to share their unique qualities with the world and pursue their creative aspirations. They may support each other's personal growth and help navigate the intersection of authenticity and achievement.

If Type 4 leans towards their 5 wing, they may bring a more independent and intellectually focused approach to the relationship. They can engage in deep conversations and pursue shared intellectual interests. Their shared introspection and quest for knowledge can create a bond built on mutual understanding and intellectual stimulation.

In summary, a Type 7 and Type 4 relationship can be both exciting and challenging. By embracing both adventure and emotional connection, communicating openly, and respecting each other's unique perspectives, they can build a partnership that combines joy, authenticity, and personal growth. It is important for them to find a balance between seeking stimulation and exploring emotional depth to create a fulfilling and meaningful relationship.



The relationship between a Type 8 and a Type 4 can be both intense and transformative.

These two types bring strong personalities, a desire for authenticity, and a need for personal power to the partnership. While their differences can create challenges, they also have the potential to inspire and support each other in their individual growth.

Type 8s, known for their assertiveness and desire for control, may initially struggle with the intense emotions and introspection of Type 4s. They may approach situations with directness and a focus on action, which can clash with the deep emotional exploration and desire for authenticity of Type 4s. However, Type 8s can provide strength, stability, and a sense of protection in the relationship.

Type 4s, on the other hand, bring a depth of emotions and a desire for individuality and self-expression. They value authenticity and the exploration of their unique identities. Type 4s may be intrigued by the confidence and assertiveness of Type 8s, finding their strength and directness inspiring. However, they may also desire a deeper emotional connection and vulnerability from their partner, which can be challenging for Type 8s, who may struggle with expressing their own emotions.

Challenges may arise due to differences in handling vulnerability and control. Type 8s may have a tendency to protect themselves by being guarded, while Type 4s may yearn for a deeper emotional connection. Both types need to communicate openly and cultivate trust, allowing themselves to be vulnerable while respecting each other's boundaries and needs for personal power.

To build a healthy relationship, Type 8s and Type 4s should work on finding a balance between strength and vulnerability. Type 8s can practice opening up emotionally and supporting the emotional needs of Type 4s, allowing for deeper intimacy and connection. Type 4s, in turn, can appreciate the protective and decisive nature of Type 8s, finding security and stability within the relationship.

Considering the

Enneagram Wings

The influence of the wings in this pair's relationship will depend on whether the Type 8 leans more towards a 7 wing (8w7) or a 9 wing (8w9), and if the Type 4 leans towards a 3 wing (4w3) or a 5 wing (4w5).

If Type 8 leans towards their 7 wing, they may bring a more adventurous and optimistic approach to the relationship. They can inspire their partner to embrace new experiences and enjoy the lighter side of life. Their enthusiasm and energy can add excitement and spontaneity to the partnership.

If Type 8 leans towards their 9 wing, they may bring a more calm and accommodating approach to the relationship. They can provide stability and support, helping to create a sense of security within the partnership. Their ability to find common ground and mediate conflicts can enhance overall harmony in the relationship.

On the other hand, if Type 4 leans towards their 3 wing, they may bring a more outgoing and image-conscious approach to the relationship. They can inspire their partner to share their unique qualities with the world and pursue their creative aspirations. They may support each other's personal growth and help navigate the intersection of authenticity and achievement.

If Type 4 leans towards their 5 wing, they may bring a more independent and intellectually focused approach to the relationship. They can engage in deep conversations and pursue shared intellectual interests. Their shared introspection and quest for knowledge can create a bond built on mutual understanding and intellectual stimulation.

In summary, a Type 8 and Type 4 relationship can be both intense and transformative. By embracing both strength and vulnerability, communicating openly, and respecting each other's unique perspectives, they can build a partnership that combines power, authenticity, and personal growth. It is important for them to find a balance between assertiveness and emotional connection, allowing space for both individuality and intimacy within the relationship.



The relationship between a Type 9 and a Type 4 can be both enriching and challenging.

These two types bring contrasting qualities and desires to the partnership. While they may initially be drawn to each other's unique qualities, navigating their differences and finding a balance is essential for a harmonious relationship.

Type 9s, known for their easygoing and accommodating nature, may initially struggle with the intense emotions and individualistic tendencies of Type 4s. They may prioritize harmony and avoid conflict, which can clash with the depth and authenticity that Type 4s seek. However, Type 9s can provide a sense of calm, stability, and acceptance to the relationship.

Type 4s, on the other hand, bring a depth of emotions and a desire for authenticity and self-expression. They value individuality and exploring the complexities of their inner world. Type 4s may be intrigued by the peaceful nature of Type 9s, finding their acceptance and non-judgmental attitude comforting. However, they may also desire a deeper emotional connection and assertiveness from their partner, which can be challenging for Type 9s, who may avoid conflict and assertiveness.

Challenges may arise due to differences in handling conflict and expressing emotions. Type 9s may have a tendency to avoid conflicts and may struggle with assertiveness, while Type 4s are more comfortable expressing their emotions and desires. Both types need to communicate openly and find a balance between maintaining harmony and addressing conflicts in a healthy manner.

To build a healthy relationship, Type 9s and Type 4s should work on embracing both peace and emotional connection. Type 9s can practice expressing their own opinions and needs, while Type 4s can appreciate and respect the non-judgmental nature of Type 9s. Both types should actively listen, validate each other's perspectives, and find compromises to create an environment of understanding and growth.

Considering the

Enneagram Wings

The influence of the wings in this pair's relationship will depend on whether the Type 9 leans more towards an 8 wing (9w8) or a 1 wing (9w1), and if the Type 4 leans towards a 3 wing (4w3) or a 5 wing (4w5).

If Type 9 leans towards their 8 wing, they are likely to be more assertive, independent, and willing to confront issues. This could help them address conflicts more effectively and support Type 4s in embracing their own assertiveness. They may find a balance between harmony and personal growth within the relationship.

If Type 9 leans towards their 1 wing, they may become more principled, orderly, and perfectionistic. This could align them more with the Type 4's worldview, potentially leading to less friction in their interactions. However, they should be mindful of not becoming overly critical or rigid, as it may hinder the Type 4's sense of freedom and self-expression.

On the other hand, if Type 4 leans towards their 3 wing, they may bring a more outgoing and image-conscious approach to the relationship. They can inspire their partner to share their unique qualities with the world and pursue their creative aspirations. They may support each other's personal growth and help navigate the intersection of authenticity and achievement.

If Type 4 leans towards their 5 wing, they may bring a more independent and intellectually focused approach to the relationship. They can engage in deep conversations and pursue shared intellectual interests. Their shared introspection and quest for knowledge can create a bond built on mutual understanding and intellectual stimulation.

In summary, a Type 9 and Type 4 relationship can be both enriching and challenging. By embracing both peace and emotional connection, communicating openly, and respecting each other's unique perspectives, they can build a partnership that combines harmony, authenticity, and personal growth. It is important for them to find a balance between maintaining peace and addressing conflicts, while nurturing each other's individuality and fostering understanding within the relationship.


Betty Baker M.A. Psych, M.Ed

About the Author

Betty Baker is an awarded marriage and family therapist and contributor to the internationally renowned PeaceBuilders® Program - a science-based, research-validated violence prevention curriculum and professional development program for children, grades pre-K to 12.


