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Enneagram Type 2 Compatibility

2's Compatibility

 Short Cuts  

Enneagram%201%20(1)Plus Enneagram%202%20(2)


Plus Enneagram%202%20(2)


Enneagram%203%20(3)Plus Enneagram%202%20(2)


Enneagram%204%20(4)Plus Enneagram%202%20(2)


Enneagram%205%20(5)Plus Enneagram%202%20(2)


Enneagram%206%20(6)Plus Enneagram%202%20(2)


Plus Enneagram%202%20(2)


Enneagram%208%20(8)Plus Enneagram%202%20(2)


Enneagram%209%20(9)Plus Enneagram%202%20(2)




Type 1s, with their commitment to truth, consistency, and a strong work ethic, can pair well with Type 2s, who are often generous, caring, and people-oriented.

With a Type 1 in the relationship, responsibilities and work will usually be prioritized, bringing structure and order. Their rational and competent approach to life's challenges can offer stability, and their dedication to truth and fairness adds a certain clarity to their interactions. Conversations are often driven by their strong convictions, contributing to a respectful exchange of ideas.

On the other hand, Type 2s contribute warmth and emotional engagement. They tend to prioritize relationships and show genuine concern for others. Their caring nature brings a balancing warmth and softens the dynamic, while their focus on fostering interpersonal connections can help offset the 1's propensity for over-focusing on responsibilities and tasks.

However, this pairing does not come without challenges. Type 1s' strict adherence to right and wrong, coupled with Type 2s' desire to be liked and needed, may create tension. Type 1s need to avoid becoming overly critical or dismissive of the 2's emotional needs. At the same time, Type 2s need to ensure they don't become overly dependent or people-pleasing to the point of losing their identity.

Type 2s may also need to adapt to Type 1s' tendency to prioritize work over leisure, finding ways to weave in relaxation and pleasure without disrupting the 1's sense of order. Similarly, Type 1s could benefit from learning to embrace the 2's more emotive and people-focused approach.

Despite these potential challenges, a 1 and a 2 can bring a well-rounded balance to a relationship, combining emotional warmth, social engagement, and a sense of duty and responsibility. With mutual respect and understanding, this can be a powerful pairing.

Considering the

Enneagram Wings

The influence of the wings in this pair's relationship will depend on whether the Type 2 leans more towards a 1 wing (2w1) or a 3 wing (2w3), and if the Type 1 leans towards a 9 wing (1w9) or a 2 wing (1w2).

If Type 2 leans towards their 1 wing, they may be more focused, principled, and self-disciplined, which could resonate with Type 1's values. They might also be more accepting of Type 1's high standards and moral obligations, and could help to soften their criticisms with their nurturing nature.

If Type 2 leans towards their 3 wing, they may be more achievement-oriented and adaptable, which could help them to deal with Type 1's rigidity. They might also be more expressive of their needs and feelings, which could challenge Type 1 to open up more emotionally.

On the other hand, if Type 1 leans towards their 2 wing, they are likely to be more emotionally expressive and nurturing, which could help them connect with Type 2 on a deeper level. They may also be more aware of other's feelings and needs, which could help them to appreciate and support Type 2's desire to help.

If Type 1 leans towards their 9 wing, they might be more accepting and calm, which could help them to deal with Type 2's emotional expressiveness. They may also be more open to compromise and less rigid in their views, which could harmonize their interactions with Type 2.

In summary, the wings can significantly influence the dynamics of a Type 2 and Type 1 relationship. By understanding and leveraging their wing's qualities, they may better appreciate and navigate their differences, fostering a more harmonious and understanding relationship.



In a relationship between two Type 2s, a deep sense of empathy, nurturing, and mutual support is at the heart of their connection.

Type 2s are known for their generosity, care, and people-oriented nature. They prioritize relationships and are driven by a genuine desire to help and support others. In this pairing, both individuals share a natural understanding of each other's emotional needs and a mutual commitment to nurturing and caring for one another.

In this relationship, there is a strong sense of empathy and emotional connection. Both partners possess an inherent understanding of each other's desires for affection, validation, and attention. They excel in creating a warm and supportive environment where their emotions are acknowledged and reciprocated.

However, challenges may arise within this pairing. Both Type 2s may struggle with setting boundaries and prioritizing their own needs. The strong desire to please and seek validation from others can sometimes lead to codependency or neglect of self-care. It is important for both partners to recognize the importance of self-love and individual growth within the relationship.

To cultivate a healthy relationship, it is crucial for both individuals to communicate openly and honestly about their needs and boundaries. They must also encourage each other to prioritize self-care and personal growth, fostering a sense of independence and autonomy within the relationship.

When both partners can maintain a balance between giving and receiving, offering support and allowing space for individual growth, the Type 2 and Type 2 relationship can create a nurturing and loving connection. Their shared understanding and empathetic nature can foster a deep and fulfilling bond, where each partner feels seen, appreciated, and supported in their journey of self-discovery.

Considering the

Enneagram Wings

The influence of the wings in this pair's relationship will depend on whether the first Type 2 leans more towards a 1 wing (2w1) or a 3 wing (2w3), and the other Type 2 leans towards a 1 wing (2w1) or a 3 wing (2w3).

If both Type 2s lean towards their 1 wing, they may bring a sense of principled behavior, responsibility, and a desire for perfection to the relationship. They may place a strong emphasis on doing what is right and may have high standards for themselves and each other. This shared sense of integrity can create a strong foundation for their bond.

If both Type 2s lean towards their 3 wing, they may bring a more achievement-oriented and image-conscious approach to the relationship. They may focus on success, recognition, and external validation. They can support and motivate each other in their goals, but it is important for them to ensure that they do not neglect their own emotional well-being in the pursuit of external validation.

But what happens when one Type 2 is a 2w1 and the other is a 2w3?  The 2w1 can ground the 2w3's ambitions with a sense of moral integrity and responsibility, while the 2w3 can help the 2w1 to loosen up and enjoy the fruits of their labor, fostering a more socially engaging atmosphere.  However, challenges may also arise. The 2w1 might perceive the 2w3 as being too focused on image and achievements, while the 2w3 might find the 2w1's perfectionist and ethical orientation restrictive or judgmental.

In summary, a Type 2 and Type 2 relationship can have a strong foundation of mutual understanding and support. However, it is crucial for them to maintain healthy boundaries, prioritize their own needs, and develop effective communication skills to ensure a balanced and fulfilling partnership.



In a relationship between a Type 3 and a Type 2, a dynamic partnership marked by ambition, achievement, and heartfelt support emerges.

Type 3 and Type 2 can have a natural synergy and complementary dynamic in their relationship. Type 3s are driven by success, seeking validation and recognition for their accomplishments. They have a strong work ethic and are often goal-oriented individuals. Type 2s, on the other hand, are known for their generosity, care, and people-oriented nature. They prioritize relationships and possess a genuine desire to help and support others.

In a Type 3 and Type 2 relationship, there can be a strong sense of mutual support and admiration. They understand and appreciate each other's drive for achievement and their need for validation and affirmation. They can be each other's cheerleaders, providing encouragement and recognition for their accomplishments.

Both types also excel in social interactions and can enjoy engaging in activities together that involve networking, socializing, and contributing to their communities. They may be drawn to similar social circles and have a shared understanding of the importance of building relationships and connections.

However, challenges may arise in this relationship as well. Both types can be highly focused on external validation and the expectations of others. They may struggle with setting boundaries and expressing their true feelings or desires, as they prioritize maintaining a positive image and meeting the needs of those around them.

To foster a healthy and balanced relationship, it is important for Type 3s and Type 2s to create space for authenticity and open communication. They should encourage each other to express their true selves and share their vulnerabilities and insecurities. By supporting each other's personal growth and individuality, they can deepen their connection beyond the surface level.

Additionally, they should be mindful of not becoming overly competitive or caught up in a cycle of seeking external validation. It is important to prioritize their emotional well-being, establish boundaries, and nurture their own self-worth independent of external recognition.

When both partners can appreciate and support each other's strengths, a Type 3 and Type 2 relationship can become a powerful synergy of ambition and compassion. By cultivating open communication, finding a balance between individual goals and relational support, they can create a harmonious partnership that nurtures personal growth and shared achievements.

Considering the

Enneagram Wings

The influence of the wings in this pair's relationship will depend on whether the Type 3 leans more towards a 2 wing (3w2) or a 4 wing (3w4), and if the Type 2 leans towards a 1 wing (2w1) or a 3 wing (2w3).

If Type 3 leans towards their 2 wing, they may emphasize their nurturing and caring side. This can enhance their ability to support and uplift their partner, providing a strong foundation of emotional connection and empathy. They may also strive to create a harmonious and nurturing environment, balancing their drive for success with a genuine concern for the well-being of their partner.

If Type 3 leans towards their 4 wing, they may bring a more introspective and individualistic approach to the relationship. They may encourage their partner to explore their authentic selves and embrace their unique qualities. Their ability to tap into their emotions and depth can add richness and authenticity to the relationship.

On the other hand, if Type 2 leans towards their 1 wing, they may bring a sense of responsibility, integrity, and a desire for perfection to the relationship. They may have high standards for themselves and the relationship, valuing honesty and doing what is right. This shared sense of integrity can create a strong bond and a sense of trust.

If Type 2 leans towards their 3 wing, they may bring a more achievement-oriented and image-conscious approach to the relationship. They may focus on success, recognition, and external validation. While this can motivate and inspire both partners, it is important to ensure that they also prioritize genuine emotional connection and support.

In summary, a Type 3 and Type 2 relationship can be dynamic and supportive. By cultivating open communication, embracing vulnerability, and maintaining a balance between personal aspirations and emotional connection, they can create a fulfilling and meaningful partnership.



In a relationship between a Type 4 and a Type 2, a deep connection marked by emotional intensity, empathy, and creative expression emerges.

In a Type 4 and Type 2 relationship, there can be a deep understanding and appreciation for each other's emotional depths and need for validation. They can create a rich and intimate emotional connection, supporting and validating each other's feelings and experiences.

Both types have a natural inclination towards empathy and compassion, which can foster a strong sense of emotional support and understanding within the relationship. They are likely to engage in deep, meaningful conversations and share their vulnerabilities with each other.

However, challenges may arise in this relationship as well. Both types can have a tendency to be emotionally intense and may struggle with self-worth and self-esteem. They might rely on external validation to feel valued, which can create a dynamic of seeking constant affirmation from each other.

To foster a healthy and balanced relationship, it is important for Type 4s and Type 2s to cultivate self-awareness and self-compassion. They should encourage each other to develop a strong sense of self-worth and support each other in embracing their unique qualities and strengths.

It is also crucial for both types to maintain their individuality and avoid merging into each other's identities. They should allow space for personal growth, independence, and self-expression. By honoring each other's need for autonomy and self-discovery, they can prevent codependency and nurture a healthy sense of self within the relationship.

Considering the

Enneagram Wings

The influence of the wings in this pair's relationship will depend on whether the Type 4 leans more towards a 3 wing (4w3) or a 5 wing (4w5), and if the Type 2 leans towards a 1 wing (2w1) or a 3 wing (2w3).

If Type 4 leans towards their 3 wing, they may bring a more achievement-oriented and image-conscious approach to the relationship. They may strive for success and recognition, and can support each other's goals and aspirations. However, they should be mindful of maintaining a balance between external validation and a genuine sense of self-worth.

If Type 4 leans towards their 5 wing, they may bring a more introspective and independent approach to the relationship. They may value their individuality and seek to explore their own unique interests and passions. They can encourage each other to delve into their inner worlds, embracing their creativity and embracing their differences.

On the other hand, if Type 2 leans towards their 1 wing, they may bring a sense of responsibility, integrity, and a desire for perfection to the relationship. They may prioritize doing what is right and hold themselves and their partner to high standards. They can provide stability and support each other's personal growth.

If Type 2 leans towards their 3 wing, they may bring a more achievement-oriented and image-conscious approach to the relationship. They may focus on success, recognition, and external validation. Both partners can motivate and inspire each other, but it is important to ensure that they also prioritize genuine emotional connection and mutual support.

In summary, a Type 4 and Type 2 relationship can be deep and emotionally fulfilling. By cultivating self-awareness, maintaining individuality, and embracing each other's unique qualities, they can create a relationship that nurtures personal growth, authenticity, and deep emotional connection.



Type 5 and Type 2 can have a unique and complementary relationship.

Both types have distinct strengths that can contribute to a balanced partnership. Type 5s are known for their analytical thinking, thirst for knowledge, and self-sufficiency, while Type 2s are characterized by their empathy, generosity, and desire to be of service to others.

In a Type 5 and Type 2 relationship, there can be a mutual appreciation for each other's qualities. Type 5s often admire the social ease and emotional intelligence of Type 2s, while Type 2s appreciate the intellectual depth and independent nature of Type 5s.

Type 5s can provide a sense of stability and intellectual stimulation in the relationship. Their ability to delve deeply into subjects and analyze information can offer valuable insights and perspectives. They can bring a calm and rational approach, helping to ground the emotional intensity that Type 2s may experience.

Type 2s, on the other hand, can offer warmth, support, and nurturing to the relationship. Their natural inclination to care for others can create a sense of emotional security for Type 5s. Type 2s' ability to connect with others on an emotional level can also help Type 5s in developing their social skills and opening up to a deeper level of connection.

However, challenges may arise in this relationship due to inherent differences in their core motivations and behaviors. Type 5s tend to be more introverted, needing alone time to recharge and process information, while Type 2s are more extroverted and seek external validation and interaction. This difference in social needs may require understanding and compromise from both partners.

To foster a healthy and balanced relationship, Type 5s and Type 2s should communicate openly and respect each other's boundaries. Type 5s should feel comfortable expressing their need for solitude and independent pursuits, while Type 2s should feel supported in their desire for emotional connection and appreciation.

Considering the

Enneagram Wings

The influence of the wings in this pair's relationship will depend on whether the Type 5 leans more towards a 4 wing (5w4) or a 6 wing (5w6), and if the Type 2 leans towards a 1 wing (2w1) or a 3 wing (2w3).

If Type 5 leans towards their 4 wing, they may bring a more introspective and emotionally sensitive approach to the relationship. They may value individuality and encourage their partner's self-expression. They can support each other's need for deeper emotional connection, creativity, and personal growth.

If Type 5 leans towards their 6 wing, they may bring a more cautious and security-oriented approach to the relationship. They can provide a sense of stability and reliability, helping to alleviate Type 2's concerns and insecurities. They may offer practical solutions and support in navigating life's challenges.

On the other hand, if Type 2 leans towards their 1 wing, they may bring a sense of responsibility, integrity, and a desire for perfection to the relationship. They may prioritize doing what is right and hold themselves and their partner to high standards. They can provide structure and support each other's personal growth and development.

If Type 2 leans towards their 3 wing, they may bring a more achievement-oriented and image-conscious approach to the relationship. They may focus on success, recognition, and external validation. Both partners can motivate and inspire each other, but it is important to ensure that they also prioritize genuine emotional connection and mutual support.

In summary, a Type 5 and Type 2 relationship can be a complementary pairing. By respecting each other's needs, maintaining open communication, and finding a balance between independence and emotional connection, they can create a fulfilling and harmonious partnership.



Type 6 and Type 2 can have a supportive and harmonious relationship.

Both types value connection, loyalty, and the well-being of others. They often prioritize relationships and are driven by a desire to be helpful and nurturing.

In a Type 6 and Type 2 relationship, there can be a strong sense of mutual support and understanding. Type 6s appreciate the caring and compassionate nature of Type 2s, while Type 2s value the loyalty and dedication of Type 6s. They can create a safe and supportive environment for each other, fostering a deep emotional bond.

Type 6s, known for their loyalty and dependability, can provide a sense of security and stability in the relationship. They are often attuned to potential risks and concerns, offering practical advice and support to their partner. Their cautious nature can help Type 2s feel reassured and valued.

Type 2s, in turn, bring warmth, empathy, and a nurturing presence to the relationship. They have a natural ability to care for others and provide emotional support. Type 6s can benefit from the emotional validation and affection that Type 2s offer, as it helps them overcome self-doubt and anxiety.

However, challenges may arise in this relationship due to potential differences in handling stress and anxiety. Type 6s may have a tendency to worry and seek reassurance, which can sometimes trigger Type 2s' own anxiety. Both types should be aware of their own fears and communication styles to ensure they support each other effectively.

To foster a healthy and balanced relationship, Type 6s and Type 2s should prioritize open communication and address any concerns or insecurities they may have. Type 6s can benefit from reassurance and emotional support, while Type 2s should feel comfortable expressing their own needs and boundaries.

Considering the

Enneagram Wings

The influence of the wings in this pair's relationship will depend on whether the Type 6 leans more towards a 5 wing (6w5) or a 7 wing (6w7), and if the Type 2 leans towards a 1 wing (2w1) or a 3 wing (2w3).

If Type 6 leans towards their 5 wing, they may bring a more independent and intellectual approach to the relationship. They may appreciate their partner's autonomy and provide space for their interests and pursuits. They can engage in deep conversations and stimulate each other's intellectual curiosity.

If Type 6 leans towards their 7 wing, they may bring a more adventurous and optimistic approach to the relationship. They can inspire their partner to step out of their comfort zone and embrace new experiences. Their enthusiasm and energy can help create a sense of excitement and spontaneity within the relationship.

On the other hand, if Type 2 leans towards their 1 wing, they may bring a sense of responsibility, integrity, and a desire for perfection to the relationship. They may prioritize doing what is right and hold themselves and their partner to high standards. They can provide structure and support each other's personal growth and development.

If Type 2 leans towards their 3 wing, they may bring a more achievement-oriented and image-conscious approach to the relationship. They may focus on success, recognition, and external validation. Both partners can motivate and inspire each other, but it is important to ensure that they also prioritize genuine emotional connection and mutual support.

In summary, a Type 6 and Type 2 relationship can be a supportive and nurturing partnership. By maintaining open communication, addressing fears and anxieties, and appreciating each other's strengths, they can create a stable and loving relationship.



In a relationship between a Type 7, an energetic and dynamic partnership filled with positivity, adventure, and mutual support emerges.

Type 7 and Type 2 can have an energetic and engaging relationship. Both types are outgoing, social, and driven by a desire for connection, enjoyment, and positivity. They are often enthusiastic and have a zest for life.

In a Type 7 and Type 2 relationship, there can be a natural affinity for each other's vibrant and lively personalities. They can enjoy engaging in fun and adventurous activities together, seeking new experiences and finding joy in the present moment. Their shared love for excitement and positivity can create a dynamic and spirited bond.

Type 7s, known for their optimism and love of exploration, can bring a sense of adventure and spontaneity to the relationship. They can inspire Type 2s to step out of their comfort zones and embrace new experiences. Their ability to find joy in the little things can uplift the mood and create a sense of lightness within the partnership.

Type 2s, in turn, bring warmth, care, and a nurturing presence to the relationship. They have a natural ability to sense and meet the needs of others, creating an atmosphere of support and emotional connection. Type 7s can benefit from the emotional validation and affection that Type 2s offer, as it helps them feel seen and valued.

However, challenges may arise in this relationship due to potential differences in handling emotions and needs for attention. Type 7s may have a tendency to avoid negative emotions or difficult conversations, which can sometimes clash with Type 2s' desire for emotional depth and connection. Both types should be aware of their own emotional tendencies and work on maintaining open and honest communication.

To foster a healthy and balanced relationship, Type 7s and Type 2s should create space for both excitement and emotional intimacy. Type 7s can practice being present in the moment and acknowledging their emotions, while Type 2s should feel comfortable expressing their needs and boundaries.

Considering the

Enneagram Wings


The influence of the wings in this pair's relationship will depend on whether the Type 7 leans more towards a 6 wing (7w6) or an 8 wing (7w8), and if the Type 2 leans towards a 1 wing (2w1) or a 3 wing (2w3).

If Type 7 leans towards their 6 wing, they may bring a more cautious and loyal approach to the relationship. They may provide stability and practicality, balancing the spontaneity of the Type 7. They can support each other in facing challenges and navigating uncertainties, creating a sense of security within the partnership.

If Type 7 leans towards their 8 wing, they may bring a more assertive and independent approach to the relationship. They can inspire their partner to embrace their own strength and assert their needs. Their assertiveness can create a dynamic and passionate connection within the relationship.

On the other hand, if Type 2 leans towards their 1 wing, they may bring a sense of responsibility, integrity, and a desire for perfection to the relationship. They may prioritize doing what is right and hold themselves and their partner to high standards. They can provide structure and support each other's personal growth and development.

If Type 2 leans towards their 3 wing, they may bring a more achievement-oriented and image-conscious approach to the relationship. They may focus on success, recognition, and external validation. Both partners can motivate and inspire each other, but it is important to ensure that they also prioritize genuine emotional connection and mutual support.

In summary, a Type 7 and Type 2 relationship can be a vibrant and lively partnership. By maintaining open communication, embracing both excitement and emotional depth, and appreciating each other's unique qualities, they can create a relationship filled with adventure, support, and positivity.



Type 8 and Type 2 can have a powerful and dynamic relationship.

Both types are strong-willed, assertive, and driven by a desire to protect and care for others. They are often passionate and have a natural inclination to take charge in their interactions.

In a Type 8 and Type 2 relationship, there can be a strong mutual admiration and respect for each other's strengths. Type 8s appreciate the nurturing and supportive nature of Type 2s, while Type 2s value the strength and protective nature of Type 8s. They can create a sense of safety and security within the relationship.

Type 8s, known for their assertiveness and confidence, can provide a sense of protection and stability in the relationship. They have a natural ability to take charge and stand up for themselves and their loved ones. Their strength and determination can create a solid foundation of support for Type 2s.

Type 2s, in turn, bring warmth, care, and a nurturing presence to the relationship. They have a natural ability to sense the needs of others and provide emotional support. Type 8s can benefit from the emotional validation and affection that Type 2s offer, as it helps them tap into their more vulnerable and compassionate side.

However, challenges may arise in this relationship due to potential differences in handling control and autonomy. Type 8s have a strong need for independence and control, which can sometimes clash with Type 2s' desire to care for and be needed by others. Both types should be aware of their own boundaries and communicate openly to find a balance that works for both.

To foster a healthy and balanced relationship, Type 8s and Type 2s should maintain open communication and mutual respect. Type 8s should be mindful of their intensity and assertiveness, allowing space for Type 2s to express their needs and desires. Type 2s, on the other hand, should feel comfortable setting boundaries and asserting their own independence.

Considering the

Enneagram Wings

The influence of the wings in this pair's relationship will depend on whether the Type 8 leans more towards a 7 wing (8w7) or a 9 wing (8w9), and if the Type 2 leans towards a 1 wing (2w1) or a 3 wing (2w3).

If Type 8 leans towards their 7 wing, they may bring a more adventurous and spontaneous approach to the relationship. They can inspire their partner to embrace excitement and new experiences. However, they should be mindful of their intensity and create space for the nurturing and emotional needs of Type 2.

If Type 8 leans towards their 9 wing, they may bring a more easygoing and harmonious approach to the relationship. They can provide a sense of calm and stability, creating an environment where Type 2 feels supported and secure. However, they should be aware of their tendency to avoid conflict and actively address any issues that arise.

On the other hand, if Type 2 leans towards their 1 wing, they may bring a sense of responsibility, integrity, and a desire for perfection to the relationship. They may prioritize doing what is right and hold themselves and their partner to high standards. They can provide structure and support each other's personal growth and development.

If Type 2 leans towards their 3 wing, they may bring a more achievement-oriented and image-conscious approach to the relationship. They may focus on success, recognition, and external validation. Both partners can motivate and inspire each other, but it is important to ensure that they also prioritize genuine emotional connection and mutual support.

In summary, a Type 8 and Type 2 relationship can be a powerful and passionate partnership. By maintaining open communication, respecting each other's boundaries, and finding a balance between control and nurturing, they can create a relationship that is strong, supportive, and emotionally fulfilling.



Type 9 and Type 2 can have a harmonious and supportive relationship.

Both types are driven by a desire for connection, harmony, and the well-being of others. They are often warm, caring, and empathetic.

In a Type 9 and Type 2 relationship, there can be a natural understanding and appreciation for each other's nurturing and supportive qualities. Type 9s value the caring and compassionate nature of Type 2s, while Type 2s appreciate the peaceful and easygoing nature of Type 9s. They can create a loving and harmonious environment for each other.

Type 9s, known for their desire for peace and avoiding conflict, can provide a sense of emotional stability and calmness in the relationship. They have a natural ability to see multiple perspectives and find common ground, which can help diffuse tensions and create a peaceful atmosphere. Their acceptance and non-judgmental nature can be comforting for Type 2s.

Type 2s, in turn, bring warmth, care, and a nurturing presence to the relationship. They have a natural ability to sense the needs of others and provide emotional support. Type 9s can benefit from the emotional validation and affection that Type 2s offer, as it helps them feel seen and valued.

However, challenges may arise in this relationship due to potential differences in handling conflicts and expressing needs. Type 9s' tendency to avoid conflicts and prioritize harmony may clash with Type 2s' desire for emotional connection and attention. It is important for both types to communicate openly and honestly, expressing their needs and desires while actively working towards resolutions.

To foster a healthy and balanced relationship, Type 9s and Type 2s should prioritize open communication and mutual understanding. Type 9s should feel empowered to express their own opinions and needs, while Type 2s should be mindful of not overwhelming Type 9s with excessive attention or expectations.

Considering the

Enneagram Wings

The influence of the wings in this pair's relationship will depend on whether the Type 9 leans more towards an 8 wing (9w8) or a 1 wing (9w1), and if the Type 2 leans towards a 1 wing (2w1) or a 3 wing (2w3).

If Type 9 leans towards their 8 wing, they may bring a more assertive and independent approach to the relationship. They can empower their partner to express their needs and stand up for themselves. Their assertiveness can create a sense of balance and mutual respect within the relationship.

If Type 9 leans towards their 1 wing, they may bring a sense of responsibility, integrity, and a desire for perfection to the relationship. They may prioritize doing what is right and hold themselves and their partner to high standards. They can provide stability and support each other's personal growth and development.

On the other hand, if Type 2 leans towards their 1 wing, they may bring a sense of responsibility, integrity, and a desire for perfection to the relationship. They may prioritize doing what is right and hold themselves and their partner to high standards. They can provide structure and support each other's personal growth and development.

If Type 2 leans towards their 3 wing, they may bring a more achievement-oriented and image-conscious approach to the relationship. They may focus on success, recognition, and external validation. Both partners can motivate and inspire each other, but it is important to ensure that they also prioritize genuine emotional connection and mutual support.

In summary, a Type 9 and Type 2 relationship can be a loving and supportive partnership. By maintaining open communication, respecting each other's needs and boundaries, and finding a balance between harmony and emotional connection, they can create a relationship that is nurturing, peaceful, and fulfilling.


Betty Baker M.A. Psych, M.Ed

About the Author

Betty Baker is an awarded marriage and family therapist and contributor to the internationally renowned PeaceBuilders® Program - a science-based, research-validated violence prevention curriculum and professional development program for children, grades pre-K to 12.
