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1's Compatibility

Short Cuts 

Enneagram%201%20(1)Plus Enneagram%201%20(1)


Enneagram%202%20(2)Plus Enneagram%201%20(1)


Enneagram%203%20(3)Plus Enneagram%201%20(1)


Enneagram%204%20(4)Plus Enneagram%201%20(1)


Enneagram%205%20(5)Plus Enneagram%201%20(1)


Enneagram%206%20(6)Plus Enneagram%201%20(1)


Plus Enneagram%201%20(1)


Enneagram%208%20(8)Plus Enneagram%201%20(1)


Enneagram%209%20(9)Plus Enneagram%201%20(1)




1s deeply value fairness, honesty, and consistency.

The relationship between two Enneagram Type 1s is characterized by a shared drive for perfection and a tendency to be critical of each other's flaws, but also a deep understanding and mutual support in their pursuit of personal growth.

Prioritizing work and responsibilities often overshadows their need for relaxation and leisure. Both partners step into the role of a responsible adult, approaching life's issues with rationality and competency. Their interactions lean towards objectivity and honesty, forming an environment that prioritizes clarity and precision.

These individuals are typically passionate and eloquent, holding firm to their strong beliefs. They enjoy engaging in thoughtful conversations about these convictions. Mutual admiration for each other's character strength and wisdom is common in this pair, coupled with a shared desire to actualize their ideals.

However, like any relationship, this pairing is not without its potential pitfalls. Both Ones have a firm grasp on their sense of right and wrong, which can create a rather formal and stringent dynamic in their relationship. They show little tolerance for mistakes, whether their own or their partner's, often manifesting as irritation or sarcastic comments. They run the risk of treating their relationship as an ongoing project for improvement, focusing on fixing each other rather than accepting their partner as they are.

Often, they find common ground in their mutual indignation towards societal issues or the perceived faults of others. However, this can lead to self-imposed isolation from wider social circles due to their high standards. This isolation can give way to unconventional habits and a potentially harsh relationship environment if they start barely tolerating each other.  

Considering the

Enneagram Wings

The influence of the wings in this pair's relationship will depend on whether the Type 1s lean more towards a 2 wing (1w2) or a 9 wing (1w9).

If a Type 1 leans towards their 2 wing, they can bring a more nurturing and supportive attitude to the relationship. They might be more understanding and patient with their counterpart, being more able to express criticism in a helpful and compassionate manner. This could potentially ease the pressure of constant striving for perfection and promote a more loving and cooperative atmosphere.

If a Type 1 leans towards their 9 wing, they could bring a calming and accepting influence to the relationship. They may be more patient and open-minded, able to see multiple perspectives and willing to compromise. This could help temper the Type 1's inherent rigidity and foster a more peaceful and harmonious relationship.

In a relationship between two Type 1s, the influence of the wings can significantly impact their dynamics. Embracing the more nurturing or peaceful aspects of their wings could help both parties to navigate their shared intensity and high standards, transforming potential points of conflict into areas of mutual growth and understanding. The key to their compatibility will be communication, respect, and a mutual commitment to personal and shared growth.



Type 1s, with their commitment to truth, consistency, and a strong work ethic, can pair well with Type 2s, who are often generous, caring, and people-oriented.

With a Type 1 in the relationship, responsibilities and work will usually be prioritized, bringing structure and order. Their rational and competent approach to life's challenges can offer stability, and their dedication to truth and fairness adds a certain clarity to their interactions. Conversations are often driven by their strong convictions, contributing to a respectful exchange of ideas.

On the other hand, Type 2s contribute warmth and emotional engagement. They tend to prioritize relationships and show genuine concern for others. Their caring nature brings a balancing warmth and softens the dynamic, while their focus on fostering interpersonal connections can help offset the 1's propensity for over-focusing on responsibilities and tasks.

However, this pairing does not come without challenges. Type 1s' strict adherence to right and wrong, coupled with Type 2s' desire to be liked and needed, may create tension. Type 1s need to avoid becoming overly critical or dismissive of the 2's emotional needs. At the same time, Type 2s need to ensure they don't become overly dependent or people-pleasing to the point of losing their identity.

Type 2s may also need to adapt to Type 1s' tendency to prioritize work over leisure, finding ways to weave in relaxation and pleasure without disrupting the 1's sense of order. Similarly, Type 1s could benefit from learning to embrace the 2's more emotive and people-focused approach.

Despite these potential challenges, a 1 and a 2 can bring a well-rounded balance to a relationship, combining emotional warmth, social engagement, and a sense of duty and responsibility. With mutual respect and understanding, this can be a powerful pairing.

Considering the

Enneagram Wings

The influence of the wings in this pair's relationship will depend on whether the Type 2 leans more towards a 1 wing (2w1) or a 3 wing (2w3), and if the Type 1 leans towards a 9 wing (1w9) or a 2 wing (1w2).

If Type 2 leans towards their 1 wing, they may be more focused, principled, and self-disciplined, which could resonate with Type 1's values. They might also be more accepting of Type 1's high standards and moral obligations, and could help to soften their criticisms with their nurturing nature.

If Type 2 leans towards their 3 wing, they may be more achievement-oriented and adaptable, which could help them to deal with Type 1's rigidity. They might also be more expressive of their needs and feelings, which could challenge Type 1 to open up more emotionally.

On the other hand, if Type 1 leans towards their 2 wing, they are likely to be more emotionally expressive and nurturing, which could help them connect with Type 2 on a deeper level. They may also be more aware of other's feelings and needs, which could help them to appreciate and support Type 2's desire to help.

If Type 1 leans towards their 9 wing, they might be more accepting and calm, which could help them to deal with Type 2's emotional expressiveness. They may also be more open to compromise and less rigid in their views, which could harmonize their interactions with Type 2.

In summary, the wings can significantly influence the dynamics of a Type 2 and Type 1 relationship. By understanding and leveraging their wing's qualities, they may better appreciate and navigate their differences, fostering a more harmonious and understanding relationship.



The dynamics between a Type 1 and a Type 3 can create an intriguing interplay of values and motivations.

Type 1s are driven by their principles, valuing consistency and holding themselves to high standards. They prioritize responsibilities and work, bringing a structured and disciplined approach to their endeavors. Conversations with them often revolve around their strong convictions, fostering an environment of respect and intellectual engagement.

Meanwhile, Type 3s are ambitious and achievement-oriented. They strive for success and recognition, often channeling their energy into professional pursuits. Their focus on goals and external validation can add a dynamic and enterprising element to the relationship.

However, challenges can arise in this pairing. Type 1s' adherence to their principles may clash with the image-conscious nature of Type 3s, who may be more inclined to prioritize external perceptions of success over moral considerations. Type 1s may perceive Type 3s as overly focused on personal achievement and prone to compromising their values for the sake of advancement.

Conversely, Type 3s may find the idealism and perfectionism of Type 1s somewhat rigid, potentially feeling pressured to constantly meet high expectations. They may also need to be mindful of their tendency to prioritize work and external validation, making sure to balance their drive for success with genuine personal growth and connection.

When both individuals in this relationship can appreciate and learn from each other's strengths, a powerful dynamic can emerge. Type 1s can inspire Type 3s to prioritize integrity and ethical considerations in their pursuits, while Type 3s can encourage Type 1s to embrace flexibility and adaptability in the pursuit of their goals.

With open communication, mutual respect, and a willingness to understand each other's perspectives, a Type 1 and Type 3 relationship can cultivate a harmonious blend of conscientiousness, ambition, and personal growth.

Considering the

Enneagram Wings

The influence of the wings in this pair's relationship will depend on whether the Type 3 leans more towards a 2 wing (3w2) or a 4 wing (3w4), and if the Type 1 leans towards a 9 wing (1w9) or a 2 wing (1w2).

If Type 3 leans towards their 2 wing, they may be more caring and people-oriented, which could make them more appealing to Type 1. They might be more aware of their own and others' feelings, which could help them to connect with Type 1 on a deeper level.

If Type 3 leans towards their 4 wing, they may be more introspective and individualistic. This could help them appreciate Type 1's integrity and moral compass, and could also add a depth of understanding that Type 1 may find appealing.

On the other hand, if Type 1 leans towards their 2 wing, they are likely to be more nurturing and considerate, which could make them more tolerant of Type 3's focus on success. They may also be more emotionally attuned, which could help them to understand and support Type 3's goals.

If Type 1 leans towards their 9 wing, they might be more accepting and patient, which could make them more tolerant of Type 3's adaptable nature. They may also be more calm and open-minded, which could provide a balancing influence to Type 3's dynamic energy.

In summary, the wings can significantly influence the dynamics of a Type 3 and Type 1 relationship. By understanding and integrating their wing's qualities, they may better navigate their differences, leading to a more balanced and fulfilling relationship.



Type 4 with Type 1 can be both harmonious and challenging.

In a relationship between a Type 1 and a Type 4 on the Enneagram, the dynamics can create a fascinating interplay of contrasting qualities and emotional depth.

Type 1s are driven by a strong sense of right and wrong, valuing integrity and striving for perfection. They have a structured and principled approach to life, often placing a high emphasis on responsibility and adhering to their moral compass. Conversations with them are characterized by logical reasoning and a commitment to truthfulness.

On the other hand, Type 4s are known for their emotional depth and introspection. They value authenticity and individuality, seeking to express their unique identity and emotions. They often bring a heightened sensitivity and a rich inner world to the relationship.

This pairing can be both harmonious and challenging. Type 1s may sometimes struggle to understand the complex and ever-changing emotions of Type 4s. The emphasis on structure and practicality in the Type 1's approach may clash with the Type 4's desire for freedom and self-expression. However, when both types can appreciate and embrace their differences, a deep and meaningful connection can unfold.

Type 1s can provide stability and grounding for the sometimes turbulent emotions of Type 4s. Their sense of responsibility can help create a structured environment where the Type 4 can explore their creativity and emotions more freely. In turn, Type 4s can inspire Type 1s to embrace the beauty of imperfection and tap into their own emotions.

Effective communication is essential in this relationship. Type 1s should strive to understand and empathize with the emotional needs of Type 4s, offering support and validation. Type 4s, in turn, can help Type 1s navigate their perfectionistic tendencies by encouraging self-acceptance and reminding them of the beauty in life's imperfections.

When both types can find a balance between structure and spontaneity, practicality and emotional depth, a Type 1 and Type 4 relationship can foster personal growth, deep connection, and a shared appreciation for the complexities of life.

Considering the

Enneagram Wings

The influence of the wings in this pair's relationship will depend on whether the Type 4 leans more towards a 3 wing (4w3) or a 5 wing (4w5), and if the Type 1 leans towards a 9 wing (1w9) or a 2 wing (1w2).

If Type 4 leans towards their 3 wing, they may be more focused on achievement and success. This could help them to understand Type 1's drive for excellence and may make them more willing to conform to certain standards. They might also be more willing to express their emotions in a way that resonates with Type 1's need for order and structure.

If Type 4 leans towards their 5 wing, they may be more introspective and intellectual. This could help them appreciate Type 1's logical thinking and principled nature. They might also be more self-reliant and less dependent on external validation, which could alleviate some of Type 1's concerns about emotional intensity.

On the other hand, if Type 1 leans towards their 2 wing, they are likely to be more nurturing and supportive. This could help them connect with Type 4's emotional needs and desire for acceptance. They might also provide reassurance and warmth to Type 4, creating a sense of safety within the relationship.

If Type 1 leans towards their 9 wing, they might be more accepting and open-minded. This could help them to appreciate Type 4's individuality and emotional depth. They might also bring a calming influence and be more willing to compromise, which could harmonize their interactions with Type 4.

In summary, the wings can significantly influence the dynamics of a Type 4 and Type 1 relationship. By understanding and embracing their wing's qualities, they may better navigate their differences and create a relationship that combines emotional depth with stability and integrity.



In a relationship between a Type 1 and a Type 5 on the Enneagram, a unique blend of intellectual depth and principled focus emerges.

Type 1s are driven by a strong sense of right and wrong, valuing integrity and striving for perfection. They prioritize responsibilities and work, often embodying a structured and disciplined approach to life. Their conversations are characterized by logical reasoning and a commitment to truthfulness.

Type 5s, on the other hand, are known for their intellectual curiosity and a deep need for knowledge. They are introspective and often prefer to observe from a distance. They bring a contemplative and analytical nature to the relationship, emphasizing independent thinking and a thirst for understanding.

In this pairing, there is a natural resonance of intellect and principles. Both types can engage in deep conversations, sharing insights and exchanging ideas. They appreciate each other's capacity for thoughtfulness and rationality. However, challenges may arise due to their differing approaches to the world.

Type 1s may sometimes find it difficult to understand the need for privacy and solitude that Type 5s often require. The intense focus of Type 5s on their interests and the accumulation of knowledge may seem detached or uninvolved to the Type 1. Type 5s, in turn, may perceive Type 1s as overly rigid or demanding, potentially feeling overwhelmed by the Type 1's high expectations and pursuit of perfection.

For this relationship to thrive, it is crucial for both types to cultivate understanding and patience. Type 1s can provide stability and a sense of purpose, helping to ground the Type 5's tendency towards detachment. Type 5s, with their deep reservoir of knowledge and introspection, can offer valuable insights and a fresh perspective that complements the Type 1's desire for growth and improvement.

Open communication is essential to navigate potential conflicts. Type 1s should be mindful of giving the Type 5s the space they need for introspection, while Type 5s can strive to express their thoughts and feelings more openly. By honoring each other's strengths and differences, a Type 1 and Type 5 relationship can foster intellectual growth, mutual support, and a shared appreciation for wisdom and truth.

Considering the

Enneagram Wings

The influence of the wings in this pair's relationship will depend on whether the Type 5 leans more towards a 4 wing (5w4) or a 6 wing (5w6), and if the Type 1 leans towards a 9 wing (1w9) or a 2 wing (1w2).

If Type 5 leans towards their 4 wing, they may be more expressive and emotionally attuned. This could help them to connect with Type 1 on a deeper level and foster a more compassionate understanding. They might also appreciate Type 1's integrity and principled nature, finding resonance with their own desire for authenticity.

If Type 5 leans towards their 6 wing, they may be more loyal and security-oriented. This could help alleviate Type 1's concerns about detachment and create a sense of stability in the relationship. They might also bring a practical approach that complements Type 1's structured mindset.

On the other hand, if Type 1 leans towards their 2 wing, they are likely to be more nurturing and supportive. This could create a sense of warmth and understanding that allows Type 5 to feel more comfortable opening up and sharing their thoughts and ideas. They might also appreciate Type 1's willingness to listen and provide support.

If Type 1 leans towards their 9 wing, they might be more accepting and calm. This could help create a harmonious environment where Type 5 feels less pressured and more at ease. They might also bring a sense of peace and compromise, helping to navigate any potential conflicts or disagreements.

In summary, the wings can significantly influence the dynamics of a Type 5 and Type 1 relationship. By understanding and embracing their wing's qualities, they may better navigate their differences and create a relationship that combines intellectual depth with structure and integrity.



In a relationship between a Type 1 and a Type 6, a unique blend of commitment, loyalty, and principled focus emerges.

Type 1s are driven by a strong sense of right and wrong, valuing integrity and striving for perfection. They have a structured and principled approach to life, often embodying a sense of responsibility and adherence to their moral compass. Conversations with them are characterized by logical reasoning and a commitment to truthfulness.

Type 6s, on the other hand, are known for their loyalty and reliability. They have a deep need for security and seek reassurance from others. They bring a cautious and vigilant nature to the relationship, emphasizing trust and the need for preparedness.

In this pairing, both types share a common desire for stability, structure, and security. They appreciate each other's commitment to their values and the importance they place on responsibility. However, challenges may arise due to their differing approaches to fear and uncertainty.

Type 1s tend to have a more black-and-white perspective on right and wrong, while Type 6s may see the world in shades of gray. The Type 1's pursuit of perfection can sometimes trigger the Type 6's fears of making mistakes or being judged. Conversely, the Type 6's desire for reassurance and security may be perceived as anxiety or indecisiveness by the Type 1.

To cultivate a healthy relationship, both types must foster understanding and compassion. Type 1s can provide stability and a sense of direction, helping to alleviate the Type 6's anxieties and offering guidance during times of uncertainty. Type 6s, with their loyalty and cautious nature, can provide a supportive and reliable presence, helping the Type 1 feel secure and grounded.

Effective communication is crucial to address potential conflicts. Type 1s should be mindful of the Type 6's need for reassurance and offer patience and understanding. Type 6s, in turn, can openly express their concerns and fears, allowing the Type 1 to offer reassurance and guidance.

When both types can embrace their shared values of commitment and responsibility while respecting each other's approaches to fear and uncertainty, a Type 1 and Type 6 relationship can foster a strong bond built on trust, stability, and mutual support.

Considering the

Enneagram Wings

The influence of the wings in this pair's relationship will depend on whether the Type 6 leans more towards a 5 wing (6w5) or a 7 wing (6w7), and if the Type 1 leans towards a 9 wing (1w9) or a 2 wing (1w2).

If Type 6 leans towards their 5 wing, they may be more introspective and analytical. This could create a shared love for knowledge and understanding between Type 6 and Type 1. They might appreciate each other's intellectual pursuits and have meaningful discussions about their values and beliefs.

If Type 6 leans towards their 7 wing, they may be more outgoing and adventurous. This could complement Type 1's structured mindset and provide a sense of spontaneity and excitement in the relationship. They might encourage each other to step out of their comfort zones and embrace new experiences.

On the other hand, if Type 1 leans towards their 2 wing, they are likely to be more nurturing and supportive. This could provide a sense of reassurance and comfort to Type 6, who often seeks guidance and support. Type 1's willingness to listen and provide emotional support may alleviate some of Type 6's anxieties.

If Type 1 leans towards their 9 wing, they might be more accepting and calm. This could create a harmonious and stable environment for Type 6, who values security and stability. Type 1's ability to find common ground and foster compromise may ease any potential conflicts or anxieties within the relationship.

In summary, the wings can significantly influence the dynamics of a Type 6 and Type 1 relationship. By understanding and embracing their wing's qualities, they may better navigate their differences and create a relationship that combines loyalty, structure, and support.



In a relationship between a Type 1 and a Type 7 on the Enneagram, a dynamic interplay of structure and spontaneity emerges.

In this pairing, both types offer unique qualities that can complement each other. Type 1s provide stability and structure, offering guidance and a sense of responsibility. Their commitment to principles and moral values can create a strong foundation in the relationship. Type 7s, with their optimistic and enthusiastic nature, infuse the partnership with energy and a sense of adventure. They encourage the Type 1 to embrace spontaneity and find joy in the present moment.

However, challenges may arise due to their differing approaches to life. Type 1s may sometimes view the Type 7's pursuit of pleasure and avoidance of discomfort as frivolous or irresponsible. Type 7s, on the other hand, may perceive the Type 1's need for order and structure as overly rigid or limiting their sense of freedom.

To cultivate a harmonious relationship, both types must embrace flexibility and open-mindedness. Type 1s can learn from the Type 7's ability to embrace the joy of the moment and let go of perfectionistic tendencies. Type 7s, in turn, can appreciate the Type 1's sense of responsibility and integrity, finding balance in their pursuit of pleasure.

Open communication is essential to address potential conflicts. Type 1s should express their needs for structure and clarity, while allowing space for the Type 7's spontaneity. Type 7s can openly share their desire for adventure and novelty, while considering the Type 1's need for order and responsibility.

When both types can appreciate and learn from each other's strengths, a Type 1 and Type 7 relationship can create a harmonious blend of structure and spontaneity, responsibility and enthusiasm. With mutual respect and understanding, they can embark on exciting adventures while upholding their shared values of integrity and personal growth.

Considering the

Enneagram Wings

The influence of the wings in this pair's relationship will depend on whether the Type 7 leans more towards a 6 wing (7w6) or an 8 wing (7w8), and if the Type 1 leans towards a 9 wing (1w9) or a 2 wing (1w2).

If Type 7 leans towards their 6 wing, they may be more loyal and security-oriented. This could create a sense of stability and trust within the relationship, addressing some of Type 1's concerns about irresponsibility. Type 7's enthusiasm and adventurous spirit can also be channeled into shared experiences that both Type 7 and Type 1 can enjoy.

If Type 7 leans towards their 8 wing, they may be more assertive and self-assured. This could provide a sense of direction and focus to Type 7's energy, potentially addressing Type 1's concerns about scatteredness. Type 7's ability to take charge and make decisions can complement Type 1's structured mindset.

On the other hand, if Type 1 leans towards their 2 wing, they are likely to be more nurturing and supportive. This can create a sense of warmth and understanding in the relationship, helping Type 7 feel appreciated and valued. Type 1's ability to listen and provide emotional support may also address some of Type 7's needs for attention and connection.

If Type 1 leans towards their 9 wing, they might be more accepting and calm. This can create a harmonious and stable environment for Type 7, who values freedom and spontaneity. Type 1's ability to find common ground and foster compromise can help bridge the differences between Type 7's desire for variety and Type 1's need for structure.

In summary, the wings can significantly influence the dynamics of a Type 7 and Type 1 relationship. By understanding and embracing their wing's qualities, they may better navigate their differences and create a relationship that combines excitement, stability, and support.



In a relationship between a Type 1 and a Type 8 on the Enneagram, a powerful and dynamic partnership emerges, characterized by strength, integrity, and a drive for justice.

Type 1s are driven by a strong sense of right and wrong, valuing integrity and striving for perfection. They have a structured and principled approach to life, often embodying responsibility and a commitment to their moral compass. Conversations with them are characterized by logical reasoning and a commitment to truthfulness.

Type 8s, on the other hand, are known for their assertiveness and a desire for control. They have a strong sense of justice and seek to protect the vulnerable. They bring a bold and decisive nature to the relationship, emphasizing strength and the pursuit of fairness.

In this pairing, both types share a deep sense of integrity and a drive to stand up for what they believe in. They appreciate each other's strength and unwavering commitment to their values. Type 1s admire the assertiveness and boldness of Type 8s, while Type 8s respect the Type 1's sense of responsibility and desire for justice.

However, challenges may arise due to their strong-willed nature and differing approaches to power. Both types can be opinionated and have a need to be in control. The Type 1's pursuit of perfection can sometimes clash with the Type 8's desire for autonomy and independence. Conflict may arise when their visions of justice and fairness diverge.

To cultivate a healthy relationship, both types must learn to respect each other's strengths and approaches to power. Type 1s can provide stability and a principled framework, while allowing the Type 8's assertiveness to shine. Type 8s, in turn, can support the Type 1's pursuit of justice and provide protection, while considering the Type 1's need for structure and order.

Open and direct communication is crucial to address potential conflicts. Both types should express their perspectives and needs, seeking to find common ground and compromise. By embracing their shared values of integrity and justice, a Type 1 and Type 8 relationship can create a powerful partnership that strives for fairness, protection, and positive change.

Considering the

Enneagram Wings

The influence of the wings in this pair's relationship will depend on whether the Type 8 leans more towards a 7 wing (8w7) or a 9 wing (8w9), and if the Type 1 leans towards a 9 wing (1w9) or a 2 wing (1w2).

If Type 8 leans towards their 7 wing, they may be more outgoing and adventurous. This can add a sense of excitement and spontaneity to the relationship, potentially alleviating some of Type 1's concerns about rigidity. Type 8's ability to bring a lighter and more playful energy can balance out Type 1's seriousness.

If Type 8 leans towards their 9 wing, they may be more calm and diplomatic. This can create a more harmonious and peaceful environment, addressing some of Type 1's concerns about confrontations. Type 8's ability to listen and compromise can help bridge the differences between their assertiveness and Type 1's desire for order.

On the other hand, if Type 1 leans towards their 2 wing, they are likely to be more nurturing and supportive. This can create a sense of understanding and appreciation within the relationship, allowing Type 8 to feel valued and cared for. Type 1's ability to provide emotional support and assistance may also address some of Type 8's needs.

If Type 1 leans towards their 9 wing, they might be more accepting and calm. This can create a stable and peaceful environment for Type 8, who values autonomy and control. Type 1's ability to find common ground and foster compromise can help address some of the power dynamics between Type 8's assertiveness and Type 1's desire for structure.

In summary, the wings can significantly influence the dynamics of a Type 8 and Type 1 relationship. By understanding and embracing their wing's qualities, they may better navigate their differences and create a relationship that combines strength, integrity, and a balance of power.



In a relationship between a Type 1 and a Type 9 on the Enneagram, a balance of structure, harmony, and growth emerges.

In this pairing, both types can offer complementary qualities. Type 1s provide structure and a clear sense of direction, guiding the relationship with their strong principles. Their commitment to truth and integrity can create a foundation of trust. Type 9s, with their ability to see multiple perspectives and their emphasis on peace, bring a calming presence, encouraging compromise and a harmonious atmosphere.

However, challenges may arise due to their differing ways of approaching conflict. Type 1s may be more assertive and confrontational when they perceive injustice, while Type 9s tend to avoid conflict and may struggle with asserting their needs. This can lead to unexpressed frustrations and a lack of open communication.

To cultivate a healthy relationship, both types must learn to communicate openly and assert their needs. Type 1s can practice patience and empathy, understanding the Type 9's desire for peace and actively creating a safe space for open dialogue. Type 9s, in turn, can work on expressing their thoughts and feelings, learning to assert themselves and address conflicts when necessary.

Finding a balance between structure and flexibility is essential. Type 1s can appreciate the Type 9's ability to see different perspectives and adapt, while Type 9s can support the Type 1's commitment to integrity and growth.

When both types can appreciate and learn from each other's strengths, a Type 1 and Type 9 relationship can create a harmonious blend of structure, peace, and personal growth. With open communication and a shared commitment to understanding, they can create a nurturing and balanced partnership.

Considering the

Enneagram Wings

The influence of the wings in this pair's relationship will depend on whether the Type 9 leans more towards an 8 wing (9w8) or a 1 wing (9w1), and if the Type 1 leans towards a 2 wing (1w2) or a 9 wing (1w9).

If Type 9 leans towards their 8 wing, they may be more assertive, independent, and willing to confront issues. This could help them address conflicts and assert their needs more effectively, addressing one of the key concerns that a Type 1 may have with a Type 9. They may also provide a sense of stability and protection within the relationship.

If Type 9 leans towards their 1 wing, they may become more principled, organized, and self-disciplined. This could align them more with the Type 1's worldview, potentially leading to less friction in their interactions. They may also become more proactive and assertive in expressing their own needs and desires.

On the other hand, if Type 1 leans towards their 2 wing, they are likely to be more nurturing and supportive. This can create a sense of warmth and understanding within the relationship, allowing the Type 9 to feel valued and cared for. Type 1's ability to provide emotional support and assistance may also address some of the Type 9's needs.

If Type 1 leans towards their 9 wing, they might be more accepting and calm. This can create a stable and peaceful environment for the Type 9, who values harmony and tranquility. Type 1's ability to find common ground and foster compromise can help bridge the differences between their assertiveness and the Type 9's desire for peace.

In summary, the wings can significantly influence the dynamics of a Type 9 and Type 1 relationship. By understanding and embracing their wing's qualities, they may better navigate their differences and create a relationship that combines acceptance, integrity, and a balance between assertiveness and harmony.


Betty Baker M.A. Psych, M.Ed

About the Author

Betty Baker is an awarded marriage and family therapist and contributor to the internationally renowned PeaceBuilders® Program - a science-based, research-validated violence prevention curriculum and professional development program for children, grades pre-K to 12.

