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Sun in Scorpio | 12 Houses

A scorpion overlaying a starry night sky

Sun in Scorpio

The Basics and 12 Houses

a magnifying glass icon  Keywords:

Intense, Passionate, Mysterious, Perceptive,

Resourceful, Determined, Secretive,

Complex, Transformative, Investigative,

Magnetic, Protective, Resilient, Vengeful


Scorpio Energy

Mode Element Rulership
Fixed Water Mars
Stubborn Emotional Intense


a graphic depicting basic traits

The Basics

If Aries is the bold and dynamic poster child of motivation, Scorpio is the enigmatic and intense master of transformation. With your Sun in Scorpio, you are known for your passion and deep emotions, which often remain hidden beneath a veil of mystery.

You possess a sharp and perceptive mind, and you are adept at understanding the motivations and desires of others. You have a powerful presence and a magnetic personality, and people are often drawn to you even if they can't quite put their finger on why.


When you set your sights on something, you are unrelenting in your pursuit of it. Your determination and resourcefulness make you a formidable opponent, and you have a knack for finding solutions to problems that others might overlook.


While you may be magnetic and engaging in social situations, you are also highly secretive and guarded. You are not one to reveal your innermost thoughts and feelings easily, and you prefer to keep your cards close to your chest. This can make it difficult for others to get to know you, but those who do earn your trust will find a fiercely loyal and protective ally.


As a Scorpio, you are familiar with the concept of death and rebirth, and you embrace the idea that endings are often the first step towards new beginnings. You have a talent for transforming yourself and your environment, and you are not afraid to dive deep into the darkness in order to emerge stronger and more resilient on the other side.


While you are generally a loyal and protective friend, you also have a tendency towards vengefulness if you feel that you or your loved ones have been wronged. You have a long memory, and you are not one to let go of a grudge easily.  Under criticism, you may lose all sense of judgment, and under attack, you make effective use of both silence and sarcasm. Unfortunately, your sarcasm can become vindictive, and you can wait a long time to get even. Forgiveness is a lesson you need to learn.


Your Sun in Scorpio makes you a complex and multi-layered individual. You are not easily categorized or understood, and you have a talent for seeing the world from many different angles. This can sometimes make you feel like an outsider, but it also gives you a unique perspective that others often find fascinating.


You possess an analytical mind, strong intuition, reasoning powers, perception, magnetism, and an abundance of energy.  You enjoy impossible tasks and work that demands continued effort, intense concentration, and long-range planning. Trivial things bore you, as you'd rather go deep than broad. The more intense, the better. In whatever you do, you want to be completely engrossed. Half-hearted measures are not for you.

A depiction of Astrological Cosmodyne energy


*Look at your Cosmodyne scores for your Sun's Power and Harmony/Discord for more insight.  While everyone has good and bad days, your Cosmodynes reveal where you lean toward on average.

(As we age, we learn to deal with all of our placements, and hopefully, we evolve into more harmonious beings than our Natal charts suggest.)

Transits to your Sun, especially from the outer planets, greatly affect its expression as well. 

a harmonious heart icon

A Harmonious Sun in Scorpio

  • Your intense and passionate nature is balanced by a deep sense of empathy and compassion for others.
  • You have a strong intuition and are able to sense the needs and desires of those around you, making you a valuable friend and ally.
  • You are not afraid of change or transformation and embrace these experiences as opportunities for growth and self-discovery.
  • You have a magnetic energy that draws people to you and a powerful presence that commands respect and admiration.

a stormy cloud iconA Discordant Sun in Scorpio

  • When your intensity and passion turn into jealousy or possessiveness, it is important to remind yourself to trust others and let go of control. Recognize that everyone has their own journey and it is not your responsibility to manage or manipulate their experiences.
  • To manage feelings of anger or resentment, it can be helpful to find healthy outlets for these emotions, such as exercise, therapy, or creative expression. Avoid lashing out at others or becoming self-destructive.
  • To prevent your determination from turning into stubbornness or rigidity, it can be helpful to stay open to new ideas and perspectives. Remember that change is often necessary for growth and progress.
  • Remember that transformation is a process, and it is important to be patient and kind to yourself during times of transition. Practice self-care and surround yourself with supportive and understanding people.
  • Work on balancing your intense and intuitive nature with a sense of detachment and objectivity. Recognize when your emotions are clouding your judgment and take a step back to gain perspective.


A scorpion overlaying a starry night sky

Sun in Scorpio Through the Houses

Each of the 12 Houses represents an area of life through which your Planets (including the Sun and Moon) are expressed.

Some of your Houses may contain many Planets, while some may not have any at all.

The following descriptions focus on Sun in Scorpio and its expression through each of the 12 Houses.

The Sun Sign represents our Ego and the Core of our being, and is usually the most influential energy in our charts.

The House in which the Sun resides indicates the area of life where our main (Sun) energy is directed. (Money, Partnerships, Career, Family, etc.)


Sun in Scorpio in the 1st House

The Sun shown within a Astrological House wheel highlighting the 1st House

"The Intense Self"

Scorpio Sun in the First House indicates an individual with a powerful and intense personality, driven by a deep desire for personal transformation and self-discovery.

The 1st House represents the House of "Self" and physical appearance, and with Scorpio energy here, you project a mysterious and magnetic aura to those around you. You possess a strong willpower and determination, and others are often captivated by your presence.

You are not afraid to delve into the depths of your emotions and explore the hidden aspects of your psyche. Your intense nature allows you to experience life with great passion and authenticity.

However, there may be challenges you encounter on your journey of self-discovery. Your intensity can sometimes manifest as possessiveness or a need for total control. It's important to find a balance between self-empowerment and allowing others their autonomy.

Overall, those with Sun in Scorpio in the 1st House have a powerful and intense personality. They possess a deep desire for personal transformation, project a mysterious aura, and approach life with great passion and authenticity.


Sun in Scorpio in the 2nd House

The Sun shown within a Astrological House wheel highlighting the 2nd House

"The Determined Earner"

Scorpio Sun in the Second House indicates an individual who approaches matters of finance, possessions, and personal values with intensity and a deep need for control.

The 2nd House relates to personal finances, material possessions, and one's sense of value. With Scorpio Sun in this house, you have a strong desire to gain control over your financial situation and accumulate resources that provide you with a sense of security and empowerment.

You possess a natural ability to manage and navigate financial matters. Your intensity and determination drive you to create a stable and prosperous life for yourself.

However, you may need to be mindful of potential tendencies toward possessiveness or becoming overly attached to your material possessions. It's important to find a balance between financial security and the ability to let go and trust in the abundance of the universe.

Overall, those with Sun in Scorpio in the 2nd House approach matters of finance, possessions, and personal values with intensity and a deep need for control. They possess a natural ability to manage and navigate financial matters and strive to create a stable and prosperous life.


Sun in Scorpio in the 3rd House

The Sun shown within a Astrological House wheel highlighting the 3rd House

"The Piercing Communicator"

Scorpio Sun in the Third House suggests an individual with a deep and intense approach to communication, learning, and intellectual pursuits.

The 3rd House is associated with communication, learning, and siblings, and with Scorpio Sun in this house, these individuals possess a passionate and transformative communication style.

You possess a keen insight and intuitive understanding of others, allowing you to delve into the deeper layers of conversations and intellectual pursuits. You are not afraid to confront challenging topics or engage in intense discussions.

Your words have power, and you are able to express your ideas with conviction and intensity. You may have a natural talent for investigative research or uncovering hidden truths.

However, you may need to be mindful of the potential for your intensity to be intimidating or overwhelming for others. It's important to cultivate a balance between assertiveness and empathy in your communication style.

Overall, those with Sun in Scorpio in the 3rd House possess a deep and intense approach to communication, learning, and intellectual pursuits. They have a keen insight and transformative power in their words, engaging in conversations with passion and conviction.


Sun in Scorpio in the 4th House

The Sun shown within a Astrological House wheel highlighting the 4th House

"The Intense Home"

Scorpio Sun in the Fourth House indicates an individual whose emotional core and sense of security are deeply intertwined with their home, family, and roots.

The 4th House represents the House of Home and Family, and with Scorpio Sun energy here, you have a strong attachment to your family and your ancestral roots. Your home is a sanctuary where you can retreat and find emotional security.

You possess a deep emotional intensity and are not afraid to confront and transform the dynamics within your family. Your desire for emotional authenticity and truth may lead you to explore your family history or uncover hidden family secrets.

Creating a sense of security and emotional depth within your home environment is of utmost importance to you. You may invest a significant amount of energy in maintaining a harmonious and nurturing space for yourself and your loved ones.

However, it's important to be mindful of potential possessiveness or power struggles within family dynamics. Learning to establish healthy boundaries and promote emotional growth for both yourself and your family members is essential.

Overall, those with Sun in Scorpio in the 4th House have a deep emotional attachment to their home, family, and roots. They invest energy in creating a secure and transformative home environment and may explore their family history and dynamics with intensity and emotional depth.


Sun in Scorpio in the 5th House

The Sun shown within a Astrological House wheel highlighting the 5th House

"Fiercely Creative"

Scorpio Sun in the Fifth House indicates an individual with a deep and intense approach to self-expression, creativity, and matters of the heart.

The 5th House represents the House of Creativity, Romance, and Self-Expression, and with Scorpio Sun in this house, you possess a passionate and transformative creative energy.

You have a magnetic presence and are drawn to creative pursuits that allow you to express your deepest emotions and desires. Your artistic expressions have an intense and captivating quality that resonates with others.

Your romantic relationships are also characterized by intensity and depth. You seek profound emotional connections and are willing to explore the depths of intimacy and vulnerability with your partner.

However, it's important to be mindful of potential possessiveness or power struggles in your relationships and creative endeavors. Learning to balance your intensity with respect for personal boundaries is crucial.

Overall, those with Sun in Scorpio in the 5th House have a deep and intense approach to self-expression, creativity, and matters of the heart. They possess a magnetic presence and seek profound emotional connections in their artistic and romantic pursuits.


Sun in Scorpio in the 6th House

The Sun shown within a Astrological House wheel highlighting the 6th House

"The Dedicated Worker"

Scorpio Sun in the Sixth House suggests an individual with an intense and focused approach to work, health, and daily routines.

The 6th House represents the House of Service, Health, and Work, and with Scorpio Sun in this house, you have a dedicated and transformative work ethic.

You possess an innate ability to delve into the depths of your work and immerse yourself in challenging tasks. Your intense focus and determination allow you to excel in your chosen field.

Your commitment to health and well-being is also marked by intensity. You may be drawn to alternative healing modalities or practices that promote personal transformation and growth.

However, it's important to be mindful of potential perfectionism or becoming overly obsessed with work. Finding a healthy balance between dedication and self-care is essential for your overall well-being.

Overall, those with Sun in Scorpio in the 6th House have an intense and focused approach to work, health, and daily routines. They possess a dedicated work ethic and strive for personal transformation in their professional and wellness pursuits.


Sun in Scorpio in the 7th House

The Sun shown within a Astrological House wheel highlighting the 7th House

"The Potent Partner"

Scorpio Sun in the Seventh House indicates an individual with an intense and transformative approach to partnerships, relationships, and collaborations.

The 7th House represents the House of Partnerships, Marriage, and Contracts, and with Scorpio Sun in this house, you seek deep emotional connections and transformative experiences in your relationships.

You have a magnetic and captivating presence that draws others to you. Your partnerships are characterized by intensity, passion, and a desire for profound emotional bonding.

You are willing to explore the depths of intimacy and vulnerability with your partner and are unafraid of emotional transformations within the context of relationships.

However, it's important to be mindful of potential power struggles or possessiveness in your partnerships. Learning to balance your intensity with respect for personal boundaries and fostering open communication is crucial for healthy and harmonious relationships.

Overall, those with Sun in Scorpio in the 7th House have an intense and transformative approach to partnerships, relationships, and collaborations. They seek deep emotional connections and are unafraid of emotional transformations within the context of relationships.


Sun in Scorpio in the 8th House

The Sun shown within a Astrological House wheel highlighting the 8th House

"The Transformative Powerhouse"

Scorpio Sun in the Eighth House indicates an individual with a deep and transformative approach to shared resources, intimacy, and profound transformations.

The 8th House represents the House of Transformation, Intimacy, and Shared Resources, and with Scorpio ruling this house, you possess an especially intense and powerful energy in these areas.

You are drawn to the mysteries of life and are not afraid to explore the depths of your own psyche and the complexities of human connections. Your ability to navigate intense emotions and profound transformations is unparalleled.

You possess a natural magnetism and may have a deep understanding of the dynamics of power and control. Your presence can be transformative to others, and you may find yourself drawn to roles where you can guide and support others through their own transformative journeys.

However, it's important to be mindful of potential possessiveness or obsession with power and control. Learning to use your transformative energy in a balanced and constructive manner is crucial.

Overall, those with Sun in Scorpio in the 8th House have a deep and transformative approach to shared resources, intimacy, and profound transformations. They possess a powerful and magnetic energy that can have a profound impact on others.


Sun in Scorpio in the 9th House

The Sun shown within a Astrological House wheel highlighting the 9th House

"The Exceptional Explorer"

Scorpio Sun in the Ninth House indicates an individual with an intense and transformative approach to knowledge, beliefs, and higher understanding.

The 9th House represents the House of Higher Education, Philosophy, and Travel, and with Scorpio Sun in this house, you possess a deep and profound curiosity about the mysteries of life.

You are drawn to the hidden aspects of existence and may have a strong interest in metaphysical, occult, or esoteric subjects. Your thirst for knowledge and higher understanding is insatiable.

You have a powerful and transformative way of expressing your beliefs and philosophies. You may be drawn to teaching or guiding others on their spiritual or intellectual journeys.

However, it's important to be mindful of potential dogmatism or a tendency to become too fixed in your beliefs. Embracing open-mindedness and allowing space for personal growth and transformation is crucial.

Overall, those with Sun in Scorpio in the 9th House have an intense and transformative approach to knowledge, beliefs, and higher understanding. They possess a profound curiosity about the mysteries of life and may have a powerful impact on others through their teachings or philosophical insights.


Sun in Scorpio in the 10th House

The Sun shown within a Astrological House wheel highlighting the 10th House

"The Impassioned Achiever"

Scorpio Sun in the Tenth House suggests an individual with a powerful and transformative approach to their career, public image, and social status.

The 10th House represents the House of Career, Public Reputation, and Authority, and with Scorpio Sun in this house, you possess an intense and magnetic energy in these areas.

You have a strong drive for success and are willing to navigate the depths of your own ambition and determination to achieve your goals. You possess a commanding presence and have the ability to influence and transform your professional environment.

You may be drawn to careers that involve power dynamics, such as business, psychology, or investigative work. Your ability to uncover hidden truths and navigate complex situations is unparalleled.

However, it's important to be mindful of potential power struggles or a tendency to become overly focused on your own success at the expense of others. Balancing your ambition with integrity and ethical principles is crucial for long-term success.

Overall, those with Sun in Scorpio in the 10th House have a powerful and transformative approach to their career, public image, and social status. They possess an intense energy that can have a profound impact on their professional environment.


Sun in Scorpio in the 11th House

The Sun shown within a Astrological House wheel highlighting the 11th House

"The Transformative Networker"

Scorpio Sun in the Eleventh House indicates an individual with a powerful and transformative approach to friendships, group affiliations, and social causes.

The 11th House represents the House of Friendships, Community, and Goals, and with Scorpio Sun in this house, you possess an intense and magnetic energy in these areas.

You are drawn to deep and transformative connections with others and may have a strong sense of purpose when it comes to social causes or humanitarian efforts.

Your presence within social groups is transformative, and you may find yourself leading or catalyzing powerful changes within your community. Your ability to uncover hidden truths and navigate complex dynamics allows you to bring about profound transformations.

However, it's important to be mindful of potential possessiveness or a tendency to manipulate others for your own agenda. Embracing collaboration and allowing space for the transformative journeys of others is crucial.

Overall, those with Sun in Scorpio in the 11th House have a powerful and transformative approach to friendships, group affiliations, and social causes. They possess an intense energy that can have a profound impact on their social networks and community.


Sun in Scorpio in the 12th House

The Sun shown within a Astrological House wheel highlighting the 12th House

"Mystical Transformation"

Scorpio Sun in the Twelfth House suggests an individual with a deep and transformative approach to spirituality, the subconscious mind, and hidden realms.

The 12th House represents the House of the Subconscious, Spirituality, and Self-Undoing, and with Scorpio Sun in this house, you possess an intense and profound connection to these areas.

You possess a natural inclination to explore the depths of your own psyche and the mysteries of the spiritual realm. Your spiritual journey is one of deep transformation and personal growth.

You may have a heightened intuition and psychic abilities, allowing you to tap into hidden realms and uncover profound truths. Your depth of understanding and your ability to navigate the depths of your subconscious mind is unparalleled.

However, it's important to be mindful of potential self-destructive tendencies or a tendency to withdraw from reality. Embracing healthy outlets for self-reflection and spiritual exploration is crucial for maintaining balance.

Overall, those with Sun in Scorpio in the 12th House have a deep and transformative approach to spirituality, the subconscious mind, and hidden realms. They possess an intense connection to the spiritual and metaphysical aspects of life.

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Photo of Author Ben Baker

Ben Baker, CEO

About the Author

Ben has practiced Astrology for over 35 years and is a certified Cognitive Behavioral Therapist (CBT) Practitioner. Ben holds 11 patents for the core functions that all dating sites now use today.  See Ben's Bio for more info.  
