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Proving Astrology is Real using Political Commentators

Proving Astrology is Real:

Unveiling the Mathematically Undeniable

Astrological Differences between

Conservatives and Liberals

By Ben Baker, CEO

August 2, 2024


In this study, we statistically analyze 158 of the most prominent political news pundits of recent years. (Pundit List Below)

By exploring the fascinating correlations between astrological signs and the voices that shape our political discourse, we explore the notion that Astrology is fake or a product of the Barnum Effect.

Our dataset reveals statistically significant patterns that scientifically confirm that Astrology plays a significant role in shaping the personalities and perspectives of these media figures.


Key Findings: 

  • Earth Sun signs (as expected) dominate Conservative pundits 2x beyond statistical chance: Earth Sun signs prefer tradition, practicality, and stability
  • Aquarius Moons are 4x more common in Liberal pundits: Moon represents emotional urge and Aquarius represents an urge to change the status quo, to rebel against tradition
  • Aries Suns (passionate, fearless) are 5x more common among Liberal pundits than their Conservative counterparts
  • Pisces Moons surge among Conservative pundits: Conservatives trend more towards compassion and idealism?


Because we analyze both Sun Signs (Ego) and Moon Signs (Emotional expression) for each of these pundits, we can examine the emotional underpinnings of their commentary.

While some may jest that most political punditry is mere performance acting, the consistent emotional through-lines exhibited by these individuals, day in and day out, are difficult to fake.  No one wants to (nor is able to) live a 'fake' life 24/7/365.

Table of Contents:

  1. Methodology
  2. Key Findings and Statistical Significance 2.1 Earth Sign Dominance in Conservatives 2.2 Aquarius Moon Dominance in Liberals 2.3 Aries Sun Dominance in Liberal Commentary 2.4 Leo Moon Sign Distribution 2.5 Gemini Sun Prevalence in Conservative Commentary 2.6 Capricorn Presence in Both Conservative and Liberal Media 2.7 Pisces Moon Sign Disparity 2.8 Sagittarius Underrepresentation
  3. Astrological Archetypes in Political Commentary 3.1 The Firebrand (Aries Archetype) 3.2 The Communicator (Gemini Archetype) 3.3 The Visionary (Aquarius Archetype) 3.4 The Achiever (Capricorn Archetype) 3.5 The Analyst (Virgo Archetype) 3.6 The Diplomat (Libra Archetype)
  4. Introspective Insights 4.1 The Role of Elemental Balance 4.2 The Influence of Generational Planets
  5. Conclusion
  1. Methodology:

Our dataset encompasses 79 Liberal, 73 Conservative, and 6 Libertarian commentators (see the listing below).  Our data includes every pundit who currently hosts a show on CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, The View, The Daily Wire and others who have made regular appearances on these shows in recent years.

For each subject, we analyzed both their Sun sign and Moon sign, categorizing them based on their known political leanings and primary media affiliations.  [We will expand this sample in the future; we wanted to show our “Well Beyond Chance” findings so far.]

Thankfully, in our exhaustive list of these Commentators’ (the "subjects") Astrological data (the Sun and Moon Sign placements) were easily verifiable and the data show there is no possible way that the Moon could change signs on the day in which 99% of these subjects were born.  Subjects were further categorized based on their known political leanings and primary media affiliations.

Even with our small sample, we can see statistically significant (verifiable) differences between those who lean between the left and right on the political spectrum as influenced by millennia-old Astrological archetypes.

While we acknowledge that Astrology is not universally accepted as a scientific discipline, the statistical significance of our findings invites serious consideration and further research.

  1. Key Findings and Statistical Significance:

2.1 Earth Sign dominance in Conservatives: Conservatives are more "stable" in aggregate

Astrological Interpretation: Earth signs are associated with pragmatism, tradition, and stability, (they’re “grounded” or “based”) - qualities often aligned with Conservative values.

37% of Conservatives in this sample have

Earth Sun signs

(Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn),

compared to 19.0% of Liberals

(and the expected 25% if sign distribution were random).


P-value calculation: Fisher's exact test comparing the frequency of Earth signs between Conservative and Liberal commentators yields a p-value of 0.0164.

Interpretation: There is only a 1.64% chance that this difference between Conservatives and Liberals is due to random chance. This result is statistically significant.

Any Scientist would call this significant.

Earth Sun Sign Examples picture above:

  • Ben Shapiro (Daily Wire, Capricorn Sun)
  • Rush Limbaugh (Radio Host, Capricorn Sun)
  • Dinesh D'Souza (Conservative Author, Taurus Sun)
  • Mark Levin (Conservative Radio Host, Virgo Sun)
  • Van Jones (MSNBC, Virgo Sun, Virgo Moon) – a consummate analyst and Liberal outlier.  The only person Ben Shapiro gives consistent compliments to in the Liberal media.

2.2  Aquarius Moon dominance in Liberals:  Liberals are far more "progressive" in aggregate

With an expected random chance of 8.3%, one of the most striking findings is the prevalence of Aquarius Moon signs among Liberal commentators.

13.9% of Liberals have Aquarius Moon signs, compared to only 2.7% of Conservatives. This is over a 4x difference, far exceeding what would be expected by chance.

P-value: Fisher's exact test yields a p-value of 0.0186.

Interpretation: There's only a 1.86% chance that this stark difference in Aquarius Moon sign prevalence vs Conservatives is due to random chance. This result is statistically significant.

Any Scientist would call this significant.

Astrological Interpretation: An Aquarius Moon suggests an emotional drive towards societal change, rebellion, and unconventional ideas - hallmarks of progressive political thought. This stark contrast between Liberal and Conservative commentators implies that this moon placement may be a strong indicator of progressive political leanings in these media personalities.

Aquarius Moon Sign Examples pictured above:

  • Brianna Keilar (CNN)
  • Chris Cuomo (formerly CNN)
  • Lawrence O'Donnell (MSNBC)
  • Mika Brzezinski (MSNBC)
  • Chuck Todd (MSNBC)
  • Neil Cavuto (Fox News & Business)
  • Candace Owens – Though she is a Taurus (and “based”, as the kids say), her Aquarian Moon shines through – always questioning authority of any kind.
  • Ali Velshi (MSNBC)

2.3 Aries Sun Dominance in Liberal Commentary:  Liberals are far more "fiery" in aggregate

Aries Sun placements are significantly more prevalent among Liberal commentators (15.2%)—significantly more than the expected 8.3% and wildly more present compared to Conservatives (2.7%). This 12.8% difference is substantial.

P-value calculation: A Fisher's exact test for this distribution yields a p-value of 0.0102. This indicates that there's only a 1.02% chance that the higher prevalence of Aries Sun signs among Liberal commentators compared to Conservatives occurred by random chance.

Any Scientist would call this significant.

Astrological Interpretation: Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, is associated with fiery passion, initiation, courage, and pioneering spirit (a big bang). The strong presence of Aries among Liberal commentators suggests a tendency towards breaking new ground and championing bold ideas (jumping first) with fearless energy.


Aries Sun Sign Examples pictured above:

  • Joe Scarborough (MSNBC, Aries Sun, Scorpio Moon): Though a former Republican, now brings Aries' fiery passion (and vinegar – Scorpio Moon) to liberal commentary.
  • Ari Melber (MSNBC, Aries Sun, Libra Moon): Showcases Aries' intellectual courage in his legal and political analysis.
  • Cenk Uygur (The Young Turks, Aries Sun, Virgo Moon): Combines Aries' fiery passion with Virgo's analytical precision in his progressive political commentary.
  • Rachel Maddow (MSNBC, Aries Sun, Pisces Moon): Pioneers abstract progressive narratives with passion and intellectual rigor.
  • Rosie O'Donnell (Former “The View” host, Aries Sun, Libra Moon): Known for her outspoken and often confrontational style in political discussions.

2.4 Leo Moon Sign Distribution:  Conservatives are more authoritarian in aggregate

10% Leo Moon prevalence among Conservatives compared to 3.3% among Liberals.  (Remember - chance, if Astrology was fake, would be 8.3%)

*Take note that Leo Moon is the archetypal opposite of Aquarius Moon (and Liberals have 4x more Aquarius Moons in aggregate, than Conservatives).  This single metric might be the biggest indication of why there is such a political divide in American politics.

P-value calculation: Fisher's exact test yields a p-value of 0.1188. While it’s just on the edge of statistical significance, this trend is intriguing. 

Astrological Interpretation: A Leo Moon signifies a deep emotional need for admiration, acknowledgement, creativity, and self-expression. The higher prevalence among Conservative commentators might reflect a tendency toward more confident and expressive emotional behavior.

Leo Moon Examples pictured above:

  • Brett Cooper (Daily Wire, Libra Sun, Leo Moon --we guess she was born after 8pm, so Capricorn Rising as well – Capricorn Rising tempers or masks her Leo Moon slightly, and makes her more concerned about the facts on the ground than fame.)
  • Stephen Colbert (Talk Show host, Colbert Report, Daily Show, Taurus Sun, Leo Moon) - A Liberal outlier

2.5 Gemini Sun Prevalence in Conservative Commentary: Conservatives are more curious in aggregate

Interestingly, Gemini Sun is the most common Sun sign among Conservative commentators (16.4%), compared to 9.8% among Liberals. This difference is noteworthy.

P-value calculation: A Fisher's exact test for this distribution yields a p-value of 0.1832. While not reaching traditional levels of statistical significance, this trend is still worth exploring – we will increase our sample size in a follow up – to see if the trend continues.

Astrological Interpretation: Gemini Sun is associated with intellect, curiosity, analysis, communication, and adaptability to immediate circumstances, possibly reflecting strength in messaging and rapid response in Conservative media.

Gemini Sun Sign Examples pictured above:

  • Jordan Peterson (Psychologist, author, Daily Wire Commentator, Gemini Sun, Libra Moon): Demonstrates Gemini's intellectual agility in debates.  One of the most influential Intellects at the time of this writing.
  • Laura Ingraham (Fox News, Radio Host, Gemini Sun, Gemini Moon): Known for her quick wit, upbeat, and versatile communication style.
  • Jeffrey Toobin (Gemini Sun, Aries Moon): Legal analyst known for his Gemini-like ability to explain complex legal issues, combined with Aries' boldness in commentary.
  • Dana Bash (CNN, Gemini Sun, Pisces Moon): Merges Gemini's quick wit with Pisces' empathetic approach in political reporting.
  • Alisyn Camerota (CNN, Gemini Sun, Leo Moon): Brings Gemini's versatility and Leo's charisma to her role as news anchor.
  • Anderson Cooper (CNN, Gemini Sun, Aries Moon): Balances Gemini's articulate reporting with Aries' direct, action-oriented approach.
  • Matt Walsh (Daily Wire, Gemini Sun, Scorpio Moon) – quite possibly the quickest with delivering pithy, solid, remarks, WHILE ALSO yielding depth of ideas, of all of the pundits in the sample (just my humble opinion - Ben Baker).

2.6 Capricorn Presence in Both Conservative and Liberal Media: In aggregate, Commentators/News Pundits are more enterprising than random chance

Capricorn Sun signs are well-represented in both Conservative (14%) and Liberal (11.5%) commentary (above the expected 8.3%).

Astrological Interpretation: Capricorn Sun is associated with ambition, hard work, structure, discipline, entrepreneurship, and long-term planning (climbing the mountain). Its presence across the spectrum might reflect a shared value for professionalism and career achievement in political commentary.

Capricorn Sun Examples pictured above:

  • Ben Domenech (Founder of The Federalist, Capricorn Sun, Pisces Moon): Balances Capricorn's traditionalism with Pisces' idealism in his conservative political analysis.
  • Ben Shapiro (Co-Founder of The Daily Wire, Capricorn Sun, Gemini Moon): Unites Capricorn's structured approach with Gemini's quick wit and commentary. Gemini imbues Ben with lightning fast analysis and speech - try to listen to him on 2x speed on a podcast - you can't.
  • Dagen McDowell (Fox News Business Network, Capricorn Sun, Virgo Moon): Combines Capricorn's pragmatism with Virgo's analytical precision in her financial reporting and no-nonsense commentary on Fox News.
  • Stephanie Ruhle (MSNBC Senior Business Analyst, Capricorn Sun, Virgo Moon): Leverages Capricorn's ambition and Virgo's attention to detail in her business and political analysis.
  • Savannah Guthrie (NBC News, Today Show, Capricorn Sun, Taurus Moon): Blends Capricorn's ambition and professionalism with Taurus' steadiness and warmth in her role as a morning show anchor and journalist.
  • Howard Stern (Radio host, Capricorn Sun, Taurus Moon): Merges Capricorn's drive for success with Taurus' sensuality in his boundary-pushing broadcasts.
  • Fareed Zakaria (CNN, Capricorn Sun, Aries Moon): Combines Capricorn's disciplined intellect with Aries' pioneering spirit in his in-depth analysis of global affairs and geopolitics.
  • Rush Limbaugh (Founder of the Excellence in Broadcasting Network, Radio host, Capricorn Sun, Pisces Moon): Combined Capricorn's ambition with Pisces' idealism in his influential conservative commentary.
  • Shepard Smith (Former Fox News, CNBC, Capricorn Sun, Capricorn Moon): Exemplifies Capricorn's no-nonsense approach and professionalism in his news delivery.


2.7 Pisces Moon Sign Disparity:  Conservatives might be more compassionate?

12% Pisces Moon placements among Conservative commentators compared to 3.3% among Liberals.

P-value calculation: Fisher's exact test yields a p-value of 0.0624, close to conventional levels of statistical significance. 0.05 would yield what is called a "Significant Result".  This is a significant trend that we will address in our next study.

Astrological Interpretation: A Pisces Moon is associated with empathy, spirituality, and idealism. The higher prevalence among Conservative commentators might suggest a greater tendency to appeal to emotions in Conservative media.  

Pisces Moon Examples pictured above:

  • Ben Domenech (The Federalist, Capricorn Sun, Pisces Moon): Balances Capricorn's traditionalism with Pisces' idealism in his conservative political analysis.
  • Dana Perino (Fox News, Taurus Sun, Pisces Moon): Balances Taurus' steadfastness with Pisces' adaptability in her political commentary and analysis.
  • Bill Hemmer (Fox News, Scorpio Sun, Pisces Moon): Combines Scorpio's investigative nature with Pisces' compassionate understanding in his news reporting.
  • Rachel Maddow (MSNBC, Aries Sun, Pisces Moon): Pioneers progressive narratives with passion and intellectual rigor, blending Aries' boldness with Pisces' empathy.
  • Rush Limbaugh (Radio host, Capricorn Sun, Pisces Moon): Combined Capricorn's ambition with Pisces' imagination in his influential conservative commentary.
  • Don Imus (Radio host, Leo Sun, Pisces Moon): Fused Leo's showmanship with Pisces' sensitivity in his controversial and influential radio career.
  • Brian Kilmeade (Fox News, Taurus Sun, Pisces Moon): Blends Taurus' practical approach with Pisces' intuitive insights in his news and commentary roles.
  • Dana Bash (CNN, Gemini Sun, Pisces Moon): Merges Gemini's quick wit with Pisces' empathetic approach in political reporting.
  • Brit Hume (Fox News, Gemini Sun, Pisces Moon): Blends Gemini's adaptability with Pisces' intuition in his veteran political analysis.

2.8 Sagittarius Sun Sign Underrepresentation from both sides: Sagittarians are too blunt?

Random chance: 8.33% (1 out of 12 signs)

Observed overall: 10 out of 158 (6.33%)

P-value calculation: Using Fisher's exact test to compare the frequency of Sagittarius Suns between Conservative and Liberal commentators yields a p-value of 0.4986.

Interpretation: The difference in Sagittarius Sun representation between Conservative and Liberal commentators is not statistically significant. The overall representation of Sagittarius (6.33%) is lower than the expected 8.33% if sign distribution were random.

Astrological Interpretation: Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter (the planet of luck, expansion and justice) is associated with philosophy (and blunt speech), higher learning, and “the Big Picture”.  Those imbued with a hefty dose of Sagittarius in their charts DEEPLY feel the need to shout the truth as they understand it (see Anne Coulter and Jon Stewart below - both are Sag Sun and Moon).

Sagittarian Suns (and Moons) are famous for saying the things that others are afraid to say.  Its underrepresentation among pundits might suggest a deliberate focus from Network Program Managers on more immediate, practical concerns in day-by-day political commentary.  It might also suggest that Sagittarians abhor having their speech controlled - and something they might say could harm the Network.

Notable Sagittarian Sun Signs pictured above:

  • Ann Coulter (Conservative, Sagittarius Sun, Sagittarius Moon): Embodies the Sagittarian traits of blunt, unfiltered philosophical speech, and humor. Known for her provocative statements and disregard for political correctness, she even upsets many on her side of the aisle.  She is fearless.
  • Jon Stewart (Liberal, Sagittarius Sun, Sagittarius Moon): Exemplifies Sagittarian humor and philosophical approach. His political commentary often cuts through pretense with direct, honest observations in a very Jupiterian way. (Remember, he was the only Liberal pundit to famously call out that "lab" on Colbert’s show).  He is fearless.
  • Joy Reid (Liberal, Sagittarius Sun, Cancer Moon): Her commentary is characterized by a candid and expansive view of social and political issues, aligning with the Sagittarian penchant for exploring the broader implications of current events.  Fearless.
  • Dan Bongino (Conservative, Former Secret Service Special Agent, Sagittarius Sun, Leo Moon): Known for his direct and assertive style, Bongino's commentary often reflects Sagittarian traits of bluntness and a focus on larger ideological battles.  Fearless.
  • Raven Symone (Liberal-ish, Sagittarius Sun, Scorpio Moon): While on “The View”, her outspoken views on political and social issues reflect the Sagittarian tendency to speak freely and philosophically about important matters.  She once left her View co-hosts speechless when she exclaimed, “I’m not about to hire you if your name is Watermelondrea. It’s just not gonna happen. I’m not gonna hire you.” Fearless.

Sagittarians are known for their:

  1. Blunt honesty: Speaking their mind without sugar-coating
  2. Philosophical nature: Tendency to explore big ideas and question established beliefs
  3. Love of freedom: Resistance to constraints and appreciation for personal liberty
  4. Optimism: Generally positive outlook, even in face of challenges
  5. Adaptability: Ability to see multiple perspectives and change course when presented with new information

The underrepresentation of Sagittarius in political punditry might suggest a media landscape that favors more cautious, less philosophically-inclined voices, potentially missing out on the Sagittarian capacity for big-picture thinking and unvarnished truth-telling.

  1. Astrological Archetypes in Political Commentary:

3.1 The Firebrand (Aries Archetype):

Characteristics: Bold, initiating, courageous, enthusiastic

Role: Leading the charge on new ideas, sparking controversy or debate.


  • Wolf Blitzer (CNN, Aries Sun, Leo Moon)
  • Rachel Maddow (MSNBC, Aries Sun, Pisces Moon)
  • Jim Acosta (CNN, Aries Sun, Libra Moon)
  • Michael Savage (“The Savage Nation”, Aries Sun, Virgo Moon) – Conservative outlier

3.2 The Communicator (Gemini Archetype):

Characteristics: Versatile, curious, adaptable, quick-witted

Role: Breaking down complex issues and adapting to rapidly changing news cycles.


  • Anderson Cooper (CNN, Gemini Sun, Aries Moon)
  • Laura Ingraham (Fox News, Gemini Sun, Gemini Moon)
  • Jeffrey Toobin (CNN, Gemini Sun, Aries Moon)

3.3 The Visionary (Aquarius Archetype):

Characteristics: Innovative, humanitarian, independent, intellectual

Role: Bringing a forward-thinking “out of the box” perspective, focusing on long-term implications and societal trends.


  • Nicolle Wallace (MSNBC, Aquarius Sun, Libra Moon)
  • Glenn Beck (Conservative, Aquarius Sun, Capricorn Moon)
  • Bill Maher (HBO, Aquarius Sun, Taurus Moon)
  • Keith Olbermann (Former MSNBC, Aquarius Sun, Virgo Moon)

3.4 The Achiever (Capricorn Archetype):

Characteristics: Ambitious, disciplined, responsible, pragmatic

Role: Bringing a results-oriented approach, focusing on practical implications of policies.


  • Ben Shapiro (Daily Wire, Capricorn Sun, Gemini Moon)
  • Sean Hannity (Fox News, Capricorn Sun, Libra Moon)
  • Fareed Zakaria (CNN, Capricorn Sun, Aries Moon)
  • Rush Limbaugh (Capricorn Sun, Pisces Moon)
  • Christiane Amanpour (CNN, Capricorn Sun, Libra Moon)

3.5 The Analyst (Virgo Archetype):

Characteristics: Detail-oriented, critical, practical, analytical Role: Breaking down complex data or policy proposals with meticulous attention to detail.


  • John King (CNN, Virgo Sun, Capricorn Moon)
  • Van Jones (CNN, Virgo Sun, Virgo Moon)
  • Greg Gutfeld (Fox News, Virgo Sun, Sagittarius Moon)
  • Mark Levin (Conservative Radio, Virgo Sun, Leo Moon)

3.6 The Diplomat (Libra Archetype):

Characteristics: Balanced, fair-minded, cooperative, charming

Role: Presenting multiple viewpoints and facilitating constructive dialogue.


  • Sunny Hostin (The View, Libra Sun, Libra Moon)
  • Charlie Kirk (Conservative Activist, Libra, Capricorn Moon)
  • Joy Behar (The View, Libra Sun, Virgo Moon)
  • Barbara Walters (Former ABC, Libra Sun, Gemini Moon)
  • Steve Doocy (White House Reporter, Libra Sun, Aries, Moon) – Steve’s questioning of Press Secretaries has always been “just” (Libra) and fearless (Aries).
  1. Introspective Insights:

4.1 The Role of Elemental Balance:

Our analysis reveals an elemental imbalance between Conservative and Liberal commentators. Conservative media shows a stronger Earth element presence, while Liberal media leans more towards Fire and Air. This disparity might reflect deeper philosophical differences:

  • Earth-dominated Conservative media may emphasize stability, practicality, and tangible results.
  • Fire and Air-dominated Liberal media might focus more on inspiration, ideas, and theoretical possibilities.

This elemental imbalance could contribute to the often-observed disconnect between Conservative and Liberal narratives, as they operate on different elemental frequencies.

4.2 The Influence of Generational Planets:

While our primary focus has been on personal planets (Sun and Moon), the influence of generational planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto) shouldn't be overlooked. These slower-moving planets can provide insight into broader generational trends in political commentary:

  • Uranus in Scorpio (1974-1981): Many commentators born during this period might bring a revolutionary approach to taboo or hidden topics.
  • Pluto in Libra (1971-1984): This placement could contribute to a generational focus on balance, justice, and relationship dynamics in politics.
  • Neptune in Sagittarius (1970-1984): This might influence a collective idealism about political philosophies and global perspectives.


The astrological patterns revealed in this analysis of political commentators are too significant to dismiss as mere coincidence. The strong prevalence of Earth signs among Conservatives, the dominance of Aquarius Moons in Liberals, and the other correlations we've uncovered suggest a profound connection between celestial archetypes and political ideologies.

These findings invite us to consider how the archetypal energies associated with different astrological signs might influence an individual's approach to political commentary. The pragmatism and stability of Earth signs align closely with Conservative values, while the innovative and humanitarian nature of Air signs, particularly Aquarius, resonates with Liberal ideologies.

Moreover, the stark contrast in Aquarius Moon sign distribution between Liberal and Conservative commentators is particularly telling. This placement, associated with emotional drives towards social progress and unconventional thinking, appears to be a strong indicator of progressive political leanings in media personalities.

While it's important to remember that correlation does not imply causation, these patterns are too consistent to ignore. They suggest that the cosmic energies present at one's birth may indeed play a role in shaping political perspectives and communication styles.

This analysis opens up new avenues for understanding the diverse voices in our political landscape. It provides a unique framework for appreciating the different approaches commentators bring to political discourse, from the fiery initiative of Aries to the grounded pragmatism of Capricorn.

As consumers of political media, understanding these astrological archetypes can enhance our appreciation of diverse viewpoints. It can help us recognize the underlying motivations and perspectives that shape different commentators' approaches, fostering a more nuanced understanding of political discourse.

Furthermore, this astrological lens offers a fresh perspective on the emotional underpinnings of political commentary. The consistency with which these commentators express their astrological traits, day in and day out, speaks to the authenticity of their approaches. While punditry may involve elements of performance, the alignment between a commentator's astrological profile and their on-Air persona suggests a deeper, more genuine connection to their political stance.

For the political commentators themselves, this analysis provides a unique opportunity for self-reflection. Understanding their own astrological makeup might offer insights into their strengths, potential biases, and areas for growth in their approach to political discourse.

Ultimately, this celestial exploration of political punditry reminds us of the rich complexity of human thought and expression. It underscores the importance of diverse voices in our political dialogue, each bringing their unique cosmic imprint to the grand debate of ideas that fuels democratic society.

By recognizing the astrological influences at play, we can approach political commentary with greater awareness and empathy. We can appreciate the strengths each archetype brings to the table while also being mindful of potential biases or limitations. This cosmic perspective invites us to engage with political media not just as passive consumers, but as active participants in a diverse and dynamic celestial dance of ideas.

In conclusion, while astrology may not provide a definitive explanation for political leanings, it offers a fascinating and insightful framework for understanding the diverse voices that shape our political discourse. As we continue to navigate the complex world of political media, let us carry with us this celestial wisdom, using it to foster greater understanding, empathy, and constructive dialogue across the political spectrum.

 Our Dataset - 158 Commentators

  Name Sun Moon Con Lib LP
CNN John Berman Aries Gemini   x  
CNN Wolf Blitzer Aries Leo   x  
CNN Erin Burnett Cancer  Virgo   x  
CNN Fareed Zakaria Cap Aries   x  
CNN Kasie Hunt Gemini Cancer   x  
CNN Kate Bolduan Leo Pisces   x  
CNN Pamela Brown  Sag Libra   x  
CNN Jake Tapper Pisces Cap   x  
CNN Kaitlan Collins Aries Gemini   x  
CNN Abby Phillip Sag Cancer   x  
CNN Laura Coates Cancer Cancer   x  
CNN Michael Smerconish Pisces Cancer   x  
CNN Chris Wallace Leo Virgo x    
CNN Fredricka Whitfield Gemini Gemini   x  
CNN Manu Raju Aquarius Scorpio   x  
CNN Christiane Amanpour Cap Libra   x  
CNN Anderson Cooper Gemini Aries   x  
CNN Jeffrey Toobin Gemini Aries   x  
CNN Alisyn Camerota Gemini Leo   x  
CNN Dana Bash Gemini Pisces   x  
CNN Brianna Keilar Libra Aqua   x  
CNN Don Lemon Pisces Gemini   x  
CNN John King Virgo Cap   x  
CNN Jim Acosta Aries Cap      
CNN Van Jones Virgo Virgo   x  
Fox News Martha MacCallum Aqua  Virgo x    
Fox News Geraldo Rivera Cancer Cancer   x  
Fox News Katie Pavlich Cancer Gemini x    
Fox News Jesse Watters Cancer Leo x    
Fox News Sean Hannity Cap Libra x    
Fox News Shannon Bream Cap Scorp x    
Fox News Dagen McDowell Cap Virgo x    
Fox News Laura Ingraham Gemini Gemini x    
Fox News Jeanine Pirro Gemini Taurus x    
Fox News Brit Hume Gemni Pisces x    
Fox News Tammy Bruce Leo Taurus x    
Fox News Brett Baier Leo Virgo x    
Fox News Steve Doocy Libra Aries x    
Fox News Harris Faulkner Libra Taurus x    
Fox News Jessica Tarlov Pisces Gemini   x  
Fox News Kimberly Guilfoyle Pisces Sag x    
Fox News Dan Bongino Sag Leo x    
Fox News John Roberts Scorp Aries x    
Fox News Bill Hemmer Scorp Pisces x    
Fox News Harold Ford Jr. Taurus Cancer x    
Fox News Dana Perino Taurus Pisces x    
Fox News Brian Kilmeade Taurus Pisces x    
Fox News Tucker Carlson Taurus Taurus x    
Fox News Neil Cavuto Virgo Aqua x    
Fox News Raymond Arroyo Virgo Gemini x    
Fox News Harold Ford Jr. Taurus Leo x    
Fox News Kat Timpf Scorpio Cancer     x
Fox News Tyrus Pisces Libra     x
Fox News Carley Shimkus Scorpio Aquarius x    
Fox News Ainsley Earhardt Virgo Leo x    
Fox News Janice Dean Taurus Cancer x    
Fox News Larence Jones Sag Gemini     x
Fox News Emily Compagno Scorpio Leo x    
Fox News Kayleigh McEnany Aries Taurus x    
Fox News Sandra Smith Virgo Pisces x    
Fox News Trace Gallagher Virgo Virgo x    
Fox News Rachel Campos-Duffy Libra Sag x    
Fox News Griff Jenkins Sag Cancer x    
Fox News Eric Shwan Pisces Leo x    
Fox News Arthel Neville Libra Leo x    
Fox News Paul Gigot Gemini Cancer x    
Fox News Jon Scott Scorpio Virgo x    
Fox News Tom Shillue Gemini Aries x    
Fox News Maria Bartiromo Virgo Sag x    
Fox News Howard Kurtz Leo Taurus x    
Fox News Jessica Tarlov Pisces Gemini   x  
Fox News Mike Emanuel Sag  Aries x    
Fox News Trey Gowdy Leo Aquarius x    
Fox News Greg  Gutfeld Virgo  Sag x    
MSNBC Nicolle Wallace Aqua Libra   x  
MSNBC Chuck Todd Aries Aqua   x  
MSNBC Alex Witt Aries Aqua   x  
MSNBC Jonathan Lemire Sag  Pisces   x  
MSNBC Ana Cabrera Taurus Cap   x  
MSNBC José Díaz-Balart Scorp Cancer   x  
MSNBC Chris Jansing Aquarius Aquarius   x  
MSNBC Katy Tur Scorpio Cancer   x  
MSNBC Jen Psaki Sag  Sag   x  
MSNBC Alex Wagner Sag  Virgo   x  
MSNBC Alicia Menendez Cancer Pisces   x  
MSNBC Symone Sanders Sag  Taurus   x  
MSNBC Michael Steele Libra Cap x    
MSNBC Katie Phang Taurus Taurus   x  
MSNBC Jonathan Capehart Cancer Taurus   x  
MSNBC Ayman Mohyeldin Aries Cap   x  
MSNBC Ari Melber Aries Libra   x  
MSNBC Rachel Maddow Aries Pisces   x  
MSNBC Joe Scarborough Aries Scorp   x  
MSNBC Stephanie Ruhle Cap Virgo   x  
MSNBC Al Sharpton Libra Sag   x  
MSNBC Chris Hayes Pisces Aries   x  
MSNBC Joy Reid Sag Cancer   x  
MSNBC Lawrence Odonnell Scorp Aqua   x  
MSNBC Ali Velshi Scorp Aqua   x  
MSNBC Andrea Mitchell Scorp Cap   x  
MSNBC Mika Brzezinski Taurus Aqua   x  
MSNBC Willie Geist Taurus Aqua   x  
MSNBC Hallie Jackson Taurus Aries   x  
MSNBC Kendis Gibson Virgo Aqua   x  
NBC Tom Brokaw Aqua Cap   x  
NBC Savannah Guthrie Cap Taurus   x  
NBC Brian Williams Taurus Aries   x  
The View Rosie O'Donnell Aries Libra   x  
The View Star Jones Aries Scorp   x  
The View Meredith Vieira Cap Scorp   x  
The View Ana Navarro Cap Taurus   x  
The View Elisabeth Hasselbeck Gemini Libra x    
The View Barbara Walters Libra Gemini   x  
The View Sunny Hostin Libra Libra   x  
The View Joy Behar Libra Virgo   x  
The View Raven-Symone Sag Scorp   x  
The View Whoopie Goldberg Scorp Scorp   x  
The View Sherri Shephard Taurus Libra   x  
The View Sara Haines Virgo Scorp   x  
The View Lisa Ling Virgo Libra x    
Daily Wire Ben Shapiro Cap Gemini x    
Daily Wire Andrew Klavan Cancer Sag x    
Daily Wire Matt Walsh Gemini Scorp x    
Daily Wire Michael Knowles Pisces Sag x    
Daily Wire Brett Cooper Libra Leo x    
Daily Wire Jordan Peterson Gemini Libra x    
Other Glenn Beck Aqua Cap x    
Other Andrew Breitbart Aqua Leo x    
Other Alex Jones Aqua Scorp     x
Other Bill Maher Aqua Taurus   x  
Other Keith Olberman Aqua Virgo   x  
Other Alex Baldwin Aries Libra   x  
Other Michael Savage Aries  Virgo x    
Other Steven Crowder Cancer Scorp x    
Other Shepard Smith Cap Cap   x  
Other Rush Limbaugh Cap Pisces x    
Other Howard Stern Cap Taurus   x  
Other Don Imus Leo Pisces     x
Other Chris Cuomo Leo Scorp   x  
Other Candance Owens Taurus Aqua x    
Other Stephen Colbert Taurus  Gemini   x  
Other Mark Levin Virgo Leo x    
Other Kennedy Virgo Libra     x
Other Charlie Kirk Gemini Cap x    
Other Ben Domenech Cap Pisces x    
Other Cenk Uygur Aries Virgo   x  
Other Ana Kasparian Cancer Cancer   x  
Other Anne Coulter Sag Sag x    
Other Dinesh D'Souza Taurus Virgo x    
Other Dana Loesch Libra Leo x    
Other Sebastian Gorka Libra Leo x    
Other Andrew Wilkow Leo Sag x    
Other Liz Wheeler Cancer Scorp x    
Other Dave Rubin Cancer Gemini x    
Other Guy Benson Pisces Virgo x    
Other Larry Elder Taurus Gemini x    
Other Jon Stewart Sag Sag   x  
Other Bill O'Rielly Virgo Aries x    
Other Megyn Kelly Scorpio Leo x    




